Chapter 14: To Save A Life

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"The more you do this, the more likely you'll end up dead." ~(F/n)

~Your POV~

Skylar and I have been searching for over twenty minutes and we saw no trace of Mark anywhere. The store wasn't crowded and it was just a small grocery store. I'm able to recognize Mark's back of his head from like sixty feet away.

"Where could he possibly be?" I asked, turning to Skylar. Skylar slumped her shoulders and sighed heavily. "He told me that he was going shopping...a few hours ago." she confessed. My eyes widened. I grabbed her shoulders and squeezed them. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me earlier!?" I yelled. Skylar shook her head. "I didn't know that it would become a life or death situation." she told me. I accepted her answer and dragged her out of the store.

~Mark's POV~

I bought a little bottle of black nail polish while I was at the store. I also bought those oversized eyeliner sharpeners Skylar mentioned, and even a few long sleeved black shirts to wear whenever I have fresh wounds on my arms. My hair was still straightened over my face and my glasses fogged each time I cried with them on.

My nails are painted black and the razor parts of the sharpeners are screwed off. I threw the sharpeners themselves in the garbage.

"Why am I doing this to myself?" I asked myself. Because, you ruined your chances of ever getting (f/n) back. I shook my head at my thoughts. "But she kissed me."

That's because she pities you.


Truths. You really should cut now. Cut now, think hard.

I nodded at my thoughts and started cutting my arm downward instead of across. The blood was thickening the deeper I cut, which started scaring me. "No, I never wanted to go that deep!" I yelled. I rushed to the bathroom and tried to clean off the blood.

I let the warm water run on both of my arms. The pain stung in the open wounds. I'm such a lucky bastard. They started scabbing over only enough to clot the bleeding. I turned the water off and walked out of the bathroom.

The second I shut the bathroom light off, I heard loud knocking coming from the apartment door. "Mark!" A female voice screamed. My face was angry still from earlier in the bathroom. It was probably (f/n), and she probably wanted to yell at me for kissing Skylar.

I ignored the continuous pounding on my door and just went to my room. The curtains were all closed now throughout the house and I saw nothing but darkness. I wanted it to be like this forever, except I wanted to be dead.

~Your POV~

"Mark, please let us in!" Skylar screamed. I waved the door off. "It's no use." I told her. "We've been at this for ten minutes. He obviously doesn't want to talk to us."

Skylar punched me in the shoulder, which hurt greatly. "Are you really saying that right now!?" She yelled. "He could be dead in there!" I grew more worried and pounded on the door again. "Mark, let us in!" I yelled again.

After a few more minutes of yelling, I saw my Dad come out of the apartment. He looked at me and Skylar begging Mark to let us inside. "Girls, he's probably not home." he told us. Oh, I love how naive my father is. He doesn't understand what he's going through right now. "Dad! He is home! He's in there hurting himself!" I screamed without thinking. Shit...I shouldn't have said that.

My Dad was worried, too. He ran inside our apartment and grabbed something. It took him literally five seconds to come back out. "Here, try picking the lock." he said. He knows how good I am at picking locks.

I picked the lock and successfully got inside. Skylar and I scoped out the apartment. Everything was darker than shit. My Dad stood outside the door and waited for us. I opened the door to his room and found him in his bed, asleep...hopefully.

I walked up to him and shook him awake. Mark wasn't waking up, but he was breathing. I just figured that he really did go shopping for food and decided to leave him alone. I kissed him on the forehead and walked out of his apartment. Skylar and Dad were both looking at me. "He's alright. Just asleep." I told them. Dad patted me on the back. "See? I told you that you were just too worried." I nodded my head, trying to hold all of the tears in.

The second Skylar left and I locked the door while inside my room, I started crying. I can't hurt myself, though. I promised Mark I wouldn't. But who am I to assume that Mark was keeping his promise?

~Mark's POV~

I woke up at a quarter to midnight. I had realized that after all of what was going on today, I forgot to make a video.

I threw on a t-shirt and slicked my hair back the way it usually went. A smile was slapped across my face and before I knew it, I was recording a new video. "Hello everyone, my name is Markiplier, and welcome to Stranded Deep. A game where you play underwater, and that is exactly all that I know about it. So let's get to it!" I said.

I recorded for a little while and actually had fun playing this game. Maybe all I needed was an outlet to stop me from hurting myself. I should've thought of this a lot sooner.

The video was finished, edited, and was uploading now. I walked out of my recording room and went straight back to bed. My arms were finally scabbed over. Recording tonight taught me something. Instead of hurting myself over every little thing, I should turn my sadness into something constructive like making videos for my supportive fans. They can never know about this, though. It would pain them too much and for some of my fans, may even influence them to hurt themselves, too. I would never wish this kind of pain on my own worst enemy.


Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than usual, but I thought that this would be a good place to leave off.

I've been pretty busy with school, so it might take me a little bit to update. But I'll definitely make time to write because believe me, it's more fun than doing 3 math assignments online and writing essays for english lmfao hope you guys are liking the story! i changed around the chapters and made this a part 1-part 2 kind of story, part 1 dealing with your crisis, and obviously this part deals with something a little deeper. but you and mark love each other so much, that you save each other. cute, right? :3

alright, anyway, goodnight guys! you're all beautiful <3

S.O.S. (Markiplier x Reader Fanfiction) P1B2Where stories live. Discover now