Chapter 22: Karma

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"Thanks again, man." Skylar said as she loaded her gun and stuck it in her pants. I did the same with mine and put it in my sweater pocket. I felt paranoid, remembering the time where Skylar and I shot up the paarty. This is a horrible idea.

Terrance nodded his head and looked at both of us. He held his hands out in front of us. "I was never here." he reminded us. We nodded, looked at each other, and watched him run away. "Let's get that bitch." Skylar said, an evil smirk playing out on her face. We walked away from the alleyway and headed toward the graveyard. Despite going on a killing mission, I fear that we may end up back in jail for carrying loaded guns around without a license. I don't want this year to be a repeat of my not-so-distant past. This isn't a good idea. I called Skylar's name and watched as she walked up to me. "Dude, let's not do this shit again. If we do it, we'll go back to jail." I said, hoping that she'll change her mind. She nodded her head. "You got a point. Let's just call the police." she said. She pulled out her phone and dialed 9-1-1.

~Mark's POV~

"Where are those two?" I asked myself as I looked around the whole neighborhood for (f/n) and Skylar. (F/n)'s Dad was sitting next to me in the passenger seat. He shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea, Mark." he said, still looking pretty annoyed with me. I sighed heavily. "Do you hate me or something, Mr. (L/n)?" I asked, feeling a little upset.

All he did was shrug. "That's an understatement." he answered. Great. Apparently the word hate doesn't express how much he hates me.

"I know your daughter is only seventeen, but I love her, sir. She's turning eighteen in January. Our relationship will be considered legal because we're both of age." I explained. He shrugged again. "I know, but in the meantime, you guys shouldn't be having this kind of relationship with each other. I just want to protect her." he told me. I nodded my head. "I do, too. I always look after her while you and your wife are at work. I always help her with homework, we watch movies together, I take her out for dinner, and she makes me very happy in return. I could never ask for anything greater than that." I explained to him.

Mr. (L/n) looked at me and frowned an eyebrow. "Do you make her happy?" he asked seriously. I nodded my head. "I'm pretty sure I do. Don't you notice how she's in a great mood when she gets home every day?" I asked. Her Dad nodded slowly and turned his gaze back out the windshield. "I do." he admitted. "I guess this isn't such a bad idea after all."

I turned in toward the graveyard and noticed something that made me freeze in place. Six teenagers were standing up with their palms toward two other people. Mr. (L/n) leaned forward in his seat and noticed (f/n)! "My baby girl!" he screamed, rapidly getting out of the car. I got out, too.

Jackson and Khloe were pointing their guns at all six of those kids. They all saw us, but didn't dare to reveal our presence. I snuck behind Jackson's car and noticed a few stones sitting beside his tire. I picked them both up and simultaneously threw them at both Khloe and Jackson's heads.

Due to the impact the stones had on them, one of them accidentally shot their gun and hit a boy straight in the head. The remaining five looked at him and screamed. "Korey!" (f/n) screamed at the top of her lungs. My eyes widened. Mr. (L/n) looked at what happened ad quickly ran over to them. I did the same.

~Your POV~

Korey got shot in the forehead by Jackson. Kevin looked at Korey in the eyes and started crying heavier than I usually do, and I cry so hard that my whole body grows numb.

"Korey!" Kevin cried, looking up at the cloudy sky. The five of us were tearing up, knowing that Korey is never coming back. I got on my knees and inspected the gunshot in his head. Out of nowhere, I sprung up, almost hitting Daniel in the face with the top of my head, and grabbed the gun out of Jackson's hand. Mark and Dad noticed me right away and tried to stop me as I pointed the gun at Jackson's head. "(F/n), NO!" they screamed together.

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