Chapter 3: Stalker Much?

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"Hey, who are-" I was hit in the back of the head with a blunt object and I passed out right away.

~Your POV~

Mark and I decided to hang out in my apartment today. Mark told me that he was finished recording and editing for the day. My Dad was the only person home. Mom must be at work right now. "Hey, Dad." I said as I walked into the apartment. He was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching T.V. "Hey, (f/n)." he said back. Dad saw Mark behind me. "What's going on, Mark?" he said as he waved at him. Mark closed the door behind him and sat next to Dad on the couch. "Nothing much, just drove (f/n) home and she wanted me to hang out here, if that's okay with you." Mark said politely. Dad nodded at him. "Of course it's alright! You're like a son to me." he exclaimed and laughed.

Mark chuckled with Dad and watched me walk toward him with a stack of books in my hand. I sat next to him on the couch with my homework on my lap. Today, I had English and History homework. Mark offered to help me. "Yeah, I was actually going to ask if you could help me anyway." I laughed. Mark scooted closer to me and read the questions on my History homework sheet. I had to read a chapter in my textbook, which I already did during study hall today.

"I know the answers to the first few questions." I told him. Mark nodded his head. "Okay, let me know if you get stuck." he said and turned his head to the T.V.

I answered the first four questions of my homework with no issue at all. The fifth one, though; I didn't even know what it wanted me to do. I nudged Mark on the shoulder and he quickly turned his head to my homework sheet. I pointed at question five. "You know this one?" I asked with a smile on my face. Mark read it over a few times and tried to coach me through it.

It took a few minutes, but I finally established the answer to it. Mark nodded his head when I finally told him what I thought the answer was. I wrote it down and tried to answer the rest of the questions without his help. Once in a while, I would ask him if one of the answers was right, and every time I did, he told me it was.

Now, it's time for English homework. They were all just vocabulary words I had to look up in the dictionary, which was obviously no trouble at all.

By five o'clock, I was done with my homework and Mark still had another hour to hang out with me. Dad stood up from the couch and told us that he wanted to pick up a pizza that he ordered while I was doing my English homework. He asked Mark if he could keep an eye on me for twenty minutes. Mark happily said he would, and that's when Dad left. He's under no suspicion that Mark was my boyfriend.

Dad closed the door behind him and Mark immediately lifted my chin to his and made out with me right here on the couch. His tongue stuck into my mouth and I swirled my tongue around his. Our breathing became heavier as we deepened the kiss even more. Mark finally broke it and looked closely into my eyes.

"I've been dying to do that all day, babe." he told me. I nodded my head. "So was I, Marky." I said back.

We made out for a few minutes more. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I broke the kiss and pulled my phone out from my pocket. The text was from Skylar. (F/n), Khloe is following me! What the fuck!?

Me: Are you fucking serious!? Where are you?

Skylar: I'm still in that alleyway by Starbucks. I was spray painting something on the walls here and she just showed up like she fucking owned the place!

Me: You want me to meet up with you?

Skylar: Can you? She's fucking annoying the shit out of me.

Me: Okay. I have to wait for my Dad to get back, eat dinner, then I'll be there. Can you stick it out until six?

Skylar: I'll try. I already want to put my foot up her ass, so you'd better hurry lolz!

S.O.S. (Markiplier x Reader Fanfiction) P1B2Where stories live. Discover now