**PART 2**

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"I lost her...again, and probably for good this time..." ~Mark

~Your POV~

Khloe and Jackson were still unconscious. The more time that past by, the more paranoid I got. "Are they still alive?" I asked, concerned. Skylar lightly kicked Khloe in the shin. "I'm sure these pricks are alive and well." she answered reassuringly. I saw the worry behind Skylar's confident blue eyes. She leaned down and felt Jackson's pulse on his wrist. I saw a look on Skylar's face that I've never seen before, and I grew more scared.

"Um." she mumbled. She pressed harder on his wrist and stood back up. Mark slowly approached her and she stepped back. "I think he's...dead." she said slowly. I wasn't sure how to react to that. I felt happy, but I was showing signs of paranoia.

"How about Khloe..." I said, probably knowing the answer to that already. Panicked, Skylar also checked her pulse. After waiting a few seconds, she sighed a breath of relief. "She's still alive." she informed us. I also felt relief, but Jackson was dead! We're still in trouble anyway!

"We're so going back to jail." I said to everyone. Mark massaged my shoulders. "(F/n)." he said, trying to calm me down. I released myself from his grasp. Despite the fact that I hadn't seen him in a week, I still didn't want him touching me. He seemed broken by that, but he did more damage to me than he'll ever realize.

Skylar and I exchanged looks to each other. She shook her head slightly. "No we won't." she told me. "This was out of self-defense. They'll understand." I nodded my head and calmed down a bit. Mark looked pretty upset. I looked outside, and the rain was pouring down heavily. "I want to take a walk." I said to everyone. Skylar and Mark gave me weird looks. I kept my gaze on the rain. "I haven't showered, eaten, or even really drank anything in so long; I kind of miss mother nature and the rest of the outside world." I answered.

They found that answer understandable. I held out my hand toward Skylar's and stared at her. "Want to go with me, crazy girl?" I asked, making a joke out of it. She chuckled and grabbed my hand. "Let's go." she said, and followed me outside. Mark tagged along with me, and let his hair get soaked from the rain. My hair felt clean for the first time in a week. I had a bloody face, the wound on the back of my head still hurt, and my new clothes I bought from Hot Topic are covered in dirt. The rain was solving all of those problems, and I've never been so grateful for the existence of rain like I am now.

~Mark's POV~

(F/n)'s safe, and everything seemed like it was looking up. She's still mad at me, but I understand her reasoning. I basically blew her eardrums with the way I screamed at her last week. I felt horrible for doing such a monstrous thing.

I didn't really want to walk in the rain right now. (F/n) and Skylar seemed into the idea of doing so, but I just decided to go home. "Okay, Mark. I'll see you soon!" Skylar cheered. She hugged me tightly. Wow, her hugs can suffocate.

(F/n) was faced toward me, but her face was looking at the ground. I held my arms out for her to hug me again. She took the hint and hugged me. Her hug was a lot more gentle than Skylar's. Her arms were wrapped around my waist, and mine were around hers. Kiss her, you moron.

I broke the hug and slowly walked to my car, which was parked outside of the woods. Before exiting the woods, I saw Skylar and (f/n) walk the opposite way. They walked at a normal pace while mine was slowing with each passing second. My heart broke again. I think I lost her again, and this time, I think I did forever.

I got in my car and cried immediately. My hands were on the steering wheel, ten-two position, and my head was pressed against the middle of the wheel. My tears were going from my eyes to the steering wheel itself. Why do I always fuck everything up?

S.O.S. (Markiplier x Reader Fanfiction) P1B2Where stories live. Discover now