Chapter 4: Leave Us Alone!

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"My face was bleeding. It brought back too many memories from my junior year when Khloe, Julianna, and Jade were always beating on me. Except this time, Julianna and Jade aren't involved. Why can't I just get through high school like every other normal human being did? Why do I have to suffer? I just want to sleep and never wake up again. But for Mark's sake, I can't do that." ~(F/n)

~Your POV~

Mark and I talked on the phone until ten-thirty. I had to go to bed so I could wake up for school in the morning, which really sucks. Khloe stopped messaging me completely. Just in case, though, I shut my phone off while it was on the charger and drifted off to sleep.

My alarm clock was going off at seven o'clock. As my alarm clock was going off, my Mom walked in on me. I was already sitting up in bed stretching my arms outward. "Oh, you're awake." Mom said as a smile wiped across her face. "I'm so used to getting you up in the morning."

I chuckled. "Yeah, those were the days, huh?" I said back. I pushed the covers off of me and stood up. Mom walked into the kitchen and prepared breakfast for all of us. She made us all scrambled eggs. I sat at the table and patiently waited for my breakfast. Dad got up after I did and he came into the kitchen wearing his dark blue robe and black slippers.

With a smile, Mom served us both our breakfast. "Thanks, Mom." I said as I dug in. Dad yawned and started eating his eggs, too. Mom was already changed into her work clothes. She grabbed her purse and sunglasses. "I'm off to work, guys. I won't be home until four tonight." she explained. I nodded my head as I finished my eggs. "Bye Mom. I love you." I said, and pecked her cheek. She pecked me back. "I love you too, honey." she said.

Mom kissed Dad on the lips for a second. "I love you." she said to him. Dad grinned. "I love you too, honey. Have a good day at work." he said back. Mom waved at us and left the apartment. I went to my room and got ready for school. I put on one of the outfits I bought last night. A Pierce The Veil t-shirt with a pair of dark red skinny jeans and my new converse. My hair was straightened and it reached past my chest.

By the time I finished getting ready, Dad had already left. I sucked my cheeks in after realizing that. "Damn, I need a ride to school." I said. "I wonder if Mark's awake."

I picked up my backpack and walked over to Mark's apartment door. I knocked a few times and waited for him to open the door. Seconds later, the door flew open and he was wearing nothing but his boxers. Did he do that on purpose?

He smirked at me. "I've been expecting you, ma'lady." he said. My cheeks turned pink and I hid my smiling face behind my palms. "Mark, can you drive me to school?" I asked through my laughter. Mark raised his eyebrows at me. "Why? So we can have an epic make-out session in front of the school?" he flirted. I hid my face even more and laughed harder. Mark laughed at me and nodded his head. "Of course I will." he answered.

Mark threw on a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt that was a size too big. He wore his converse shoes. I looked at him in his outfit. "Someone's looking fancy today." I joked. Mark rolled his eyes. "Hey, it's Tuesday, and I have to record today, so why wear jeans?" he said, raising his eyebrows. He looked down at his pants. "Or, why wear pants at all?" he said while slowly raising his head at me, winking.

I playfully punched him. "Nasty." I said.

Mark grabbed his car keys and headed out the door along with me. He held my hand and led me down the hallway to the front door.

I threw my backpack in the backseat and sat up front with Mark, as usual. He started the car and looked at me with a sexy face. I hid my face again. "Why are you so flirty today?" I asked while giggling. Mark shrugged his shoulders. "Because, in case you have forgotten, today is the one year anniversary of meeting you, and I can honestly say that I've never been in love with anyone else like I am with you." he answered. I blushed. "Aw, Marky." I said to him. That's when I remembered the date we met. September 8th, 2014. Damn!

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