Chapter 15: When Will It End?

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"In the end, one can't really recover completely from these emotional disorders. You never know when something, small or great, can bring you back to where you first began." ~Your Mom

~Your POV~

I have school today. My parents told me that I could stay home if I wanted to, but I wanted to see what school was like without Principal Jackson. Plus, I really miss my friends.

As usual, my hair is straightened, and I'm wearing my usual Hot Topic clothing. Today's band shirt was of Of Mice and Men. My skinny jeans are dark purple.

Skylar stopped by before I left the house to walk to school with me. She usually just comes in and eats any leftover toast my Mom had out or something. "You ready to go?" Skylar asked, swallowing a piece of her toast. I nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be." I answered. "But before I go, I just want to check on Mark."

Skylar nodded in understanding and led me down the hall. His door was still unlocked from when I picked it last night. I just walked straight inside and the apartment was just like I left it last night. Dark and mysterious. The curtains were still closed, making the apartment even darker than it usually was. I got worried about Mark.

Just like last night, I walked into his room to check on him. He still slept in the same position as last night. This time, I wanted to wake him up. I shook him around while chanting his name. "Mark." I said. He stirred in his spot and sat up on the bed. His eyes were red and drowsy looking. He rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses.

"Morning." he cracked. He smiled, but I knew it was a fake one. I spoke anyway. "I saw that you finally uploaded a video last one in the morning." I stated. I raised an eyebrow at him. He looked a little guilty. "I'm sorry I didn't call you last night. I just wanted to be alone and I wanted to record something for my fans. They all missed me and thought I was dead or something." he admitted. I held my hands out toward him. "No, I'm not mad about that at all. I'm just saying, I'm glad that you're alright and breathing." I said with a smile. He smiled back. This time, it was real.

Mark's hair was back to the way it usually was, which made me feel better. I hoped that what he was doing to himself was over forever.

~Mark's POV~

I offered (f/n) and Skylar a ride to school, since it's been a while since I have. I put on my shoes and headed out to the car.

Skylar and (f/n) sat in their usual spots. Taking these two to school brought back so many memories of when (f/n) and I would make out either behind or in front of the school. Skylar and her energetic personality, and (f/n) just being (f/n). Damn, what happened?

Skylar was the first to get out of the car. She waved at (f/n) and ran off toward the school. (F/n) and I just sat there in awkward silence. I felt more awkward than she did. I guess Skylar didn't tell her.

"(F/n), I have to tell you something." I said finally. She seemed surprised by the sudden silence break. She looked at me and was ready to listen. I breathed in. "Yesterday, when Skylar stopped by, I may or may not have kissed her." I said, feeling more ashamed as I spoke. (F/n) just nodded her head. "I know." she responded.

She knows? I guess Skylar did tell her after all. "Oh." That's all that I was able to say before I felt my insides break in half. "Well, who am I to be mad? We're not even together anymore." she said, looking into my eyes. I noticed her eyes shining more than they used to. She's definitely holding back tears. "(F/n), I'm so, so, sorry. I didn't know what came over me yesterday." I explained, basically pouring out what was left in my heart. She seemed accepting of the situation. "Mark, it's fine, really." she said, smiling. I know it's not fine.

"Well, class starts in a few minutes. I need to get going." she said, getting out of the car. Before she completely got out, she rolled up one of my sleeves and kissed the top of my arm. Phew, good thing she didn't turn my arm over to see the other side.

She got out of the car and walked toward the school. Before I left, I made sure she got in safely like I always did. I saw Skylar sprinting outside toward her, which worried me a bit.

~Your POV~

"(F/n)!" Skylar screamed. She had the look of fear in her eyes, and I've never seen that before. "What is it, Skylar!?" I said, frightened. Skylar panted and spoke. "We have to go, now! I'll explain later!" she yelled. I couldn't process what could be going on, so I let Skylar drag me off down the sidewalk.

~Mark's POV~

I watched as Skylar pulled (f/n) along with her down the road. Should I follow them? Or should I just shrug it off and go home?

Don't worry, Mark. They're okay. I promise.

As usual, I let my brain get the best of me and I just headed home. I hope my brain is right this time.

~Your POV~

Skylar pulled me along with her until we ended up in a ghetto-looking neighborhood. I didn't feel too comfortable being here, but it's probably better than whatever's going on at that school.

"Okay, so why did you bring me here?" I asked Skylar, feeling the irritation rise up. She caught her breath and started talking. "Khloe was there...and she had a gun." she said in between breaths. My jaw dropped. "B-But, my Mom called the police...and they said that they searched for her at the abandond building..." I said, trying to put the pieces together. Skylar disagreed with my statement. "She must've escaped before they got there. She still had a pulse, you know." I stamped my foot into the concrete of the neighborhood road. The irritation was blasting through my skull at this point.

"We should've killed her!" I screamed loudly. Skylar covered my mouth. "(F/n), it's okay! We'll get through this!" she assured me. I found myself sitting on the side of the road with Skylar hugging me from behind. "Sky, why did all of this have to happen?" I asked while crying. She sighed. "I don't know, but all I know is that she was never fond of goth kids or anything like that."

I gave Skylar a weird look. "Why? Most of the goth kids are nice and generous. What the hell could she have against them?" Skylar raised her eyebrows. "I guess you haven't heard the story, then."

"When she was about five years old, she had a two month old puppy. I think it was a golden retreiver or something like that. Anyway, she had a birthday party at her house, and apparently one of her guests was just coincidentally wearing all black and he fed Khloe's puppy some grapes in its food bowl." Skylar explained. I furrowed my eyebrows. "So?" I said, thinking that it was all just a sad excuse to hate people who wear all black or whatever.

Skylar tilted her head sideways. "SO, grapes are deadly to dogs! Grapes kill dogs!" she yelled, getting her point across. I pounded my lap in realization. "Damn, okay. Go on." I motioned. "Anyway, a little puppy, not even fully grown, died because some asshole at a petty kindergarten birthday party killed her puppy, and not to sound like I'm siding with her or anything, but I want to find and beat the shit out of the bastard who did that. I, for one, am against animal cruelty." Well, that explains all of the fluffy little kittens living in her house right now.

"Let's go back and try to calm her down." I suggested. Skylar quickly shook her head. "No way, man. She'll shoot us without a second thought." she argued. She definitely had a point. "Okay, let's just ride this out for a little while." I told her, getting comfortable on the side of the road.

~Mark's POV~

The second I got home, I received a message from (f/n). It read, Khloe is in school...and she has a loaded gun. If you want to know where me and Skylar went, we're hanging out in a sketchy neighborhood just down the street from the school. Oh, and I miss you.

My heart raced after reading the message. Mostly about the potential school shooting, but the last three words made me feel warm. I miss you too, (f/n).


Looks like you're learning more about Khloe's past. Damn, imagine your puppy dying so young like that...wait, don't do that. That's depressing. but here's a tip: never feed your dog any grapes. they're deadly. im serious...

anyway, i did most of my college homework for the week, so I may update tomorrow :D yaaaaaay!!

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