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Here's the description for the upcoming part 3!

"How are you alive!?" Skylar yelled. We were standing in the hallway of the school. Everyone else was in class. He stood on the other side of the hallway. I clung onto Skylar in fear. He looked at us. "It takes more than a fucking metal pipe to put this old man down." he said. He walked toward us. Skylar grabbed me by the arm and tried running away. It was too late, though. I felt something stab me in the arm. A knife. It just hung there like it owned the place. "Oooooow!" I screamed. Skylar turned to me in a panic, quickly removed the knife, and forced me to run. "Damn it!" Khloe screamed from behind.

It's all over the news. A killer is at that school. I have to save them right now before they die. I interrupted the tutoring that I was giving Skylar's older brother, Tony, and headed straight to (f/n)'s apartment. I banged on the door and waited for someone to open the door. Her Dad came and looked a little annoyed with me. "Can I help you?" he said meanly. I frowned my eyebrows. "Um, you can help (f/n) right now, because she's currently at school...during a shooting." I said sarcastically. He didn't buy into it, but then I showed him the video that was posted online on the local news website. Her Dad listened to it, handed me my phone back, and grabbed me by the arm to get her.

(F/n), Kevin, Korey, Daniel, Nikki, and I managed to escape the school. Before I walked out the door, I pulled the fire alarm so everyone could depart. I ripped a piece of my gym t-shirt and tied it around (f/n)'s stabbed arm. She cried in pain, but the stab wasn't deep enough to kill her. Nothing a few stitches can't handle I guess. (F/n) turned to me. "You saved my life...again." she said to me. I blushed slightly, and everyone else just smiled. "She was always the lifesaver in our lives, (f/n)." Nikki said. We all hugged each other. "I love you guys so much." I said. They all said it back. Suddenly, we saw a blue car drive alongside us. He was in there driving with Khloe. She pointed at us. "There!" she screeched. Our lives are, again, in danger.

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