Chapter 13: I'm Here For You

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"I must stop. I can't stop. I won't stop." ~Mark

~Mark's POV~

(F/n) and I didn't exactly get back together yet. We still had too much to think about and had to settle a few issues before trying to refurbish our relationship.

We exchanged promises to never hurt ourselves again. I knew in my heart that I had no reason to, but my mind was making up excuses. "No, me. I'm not doing it." I said stubbornly. The voices in my head were giving me reasons that were so riduculous like, "(F/n) doesn't love you; she wants you dead; life isn't worth living; your fans don't love you." My heart knew that those excuses were easily proven otherwise, but again, my mind didn't want to believe it.

After having this disturbing argument with myself, I just gave in to the pain. Sadly for me, the barrette was gone. I guess I'll have to resort to a razor this time. But where to cut is a good question since my right arm is basically occupied.

~Your POV~

I felt like it was a mistake leaving Mark alone right now. I was thinking about going back, but I really need sleep, especially since I did more crying than sleeping back in that weird building.

The clock struck noon and that was my cue to fall asleep. I stumbled to my bedroom and just lied flat on my bed and drifted off to sleep.

~Mark's POV~

"I told you I didn't want to do it." I said to my inner voices. I heard my mind laugh. You do as I tell you. It said. I punched myself in the side of the head as hard as possible. "Get out of my head!" I screamed as I nearly pulled out my hair from the sides of my head.

The voices stopped for a moment because I heard a knock on my door. I walked out of the bathroom and approached the door. "Was it (f/n)?" I asked myself as I turned the door knob. I was wrong. It was Skylar.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked, surprised that she was here. Her face looked a little sad. "(F/n) told me about what was going on before and I just wanted to make sure you were okay." she answered. I opened the door for her to come inside. I wasn't sure why, but she always made my insides jump. Since the say I saw her kiss (f/n), I had thought to myself that she seemed like a good kisser.

"Can I see your arms?" she asked, turning back toward me. I was still wearing my long sleeved shirt and I hugged my arms in toward my chest. "I don't know." I told her. She walked up to me and gently pulled my arm out toward her. She rolled up my right sleeve and saw all of the scabbed over wounds. She cringed at the sight of them. "Mark, why?" she asked.

I jerked my arm back and rolled down the sleeve. "Because, I'm a fuck up." I said, looking down at my feet. Skylar inspected my other arm and saw all of the dark red burn marks. If I had deepened the pressure on my arm with the burning barrette, I would've burned off all of the layers of my skin in those areas.

"Holy shit!" she yelled. About eighty percent of my arm was covered with burn marks. "I thought it would just be a one time thing, but I couldn't stop." I admitted. Skylar nodded her head in understanding and showed me her arms, too. They looked a lot worse than mine did, and her wounds were scarred over.

"How in the world did you make cuts that deep?" I asked curiously. Skylar shook her head. "I used the razors from those handheld pencil sharpeners. Not the small ones, though. I used the ones meant for an oversized eyeliner pencil." she explained. Why haven't I thought about that yet? I have to go shopping!

"Um, Skyar?" I said, looking back up. She caught eye contact with me. "I have to go food shopping. But thanks for checking up on me." I said with the fakest smile known to man. She smiled and nodded her head. "Okay, Mark! I'll be checking up on you from time to time." she said, rubbing my bicep. I blushed. She obviously meant that in a friendly way, but the butterflies in my stomach said otherwise.

Before she walked through the open doorway, I stopped her. "Skylar, wait!" I called, running up to her. She spun around and before she had the time to process her thoughts, I kissed her on the lips. Her lips were stiff and her eyes were widened in shock and shame. I pulled away with a trace of lip gloss on the outline of my lips and smiled handsomely. She had an awkward look on her face, which made me feel bad. "Shit...I'm sorry." I told her, backing into my apartment.

Skylar shook her head. "It's okay, I, uh, just have to get home." she said before walking away. I watched her sprint down the hallway out of the apartment. I violently slapped myself across the face. "Mark, you're such a fucking moron!" I yelled. My voice echoed in the hallway, which made me slam the door to my apartment, me inside.

You should be ashamed of yourself. You betrayed (f/n) AGAIN! Go to that god damn store and buy yourself a few oversized pencil sharpeners. You need to teach yourself a lesson, mister. I nodded at my thoughts and did as they said. (F/n) isn't going to be too happy with me.

~Your POV~

I woke up at around dinner time to an incoming phone call. The caller I.D. read, "Skylar". I answered it right away. "Hello?" I answered.

"Heyy, (f/n)." she said awkwardly. I stood up from my bed and paced the room. "What's going on?" I asked her with a smile on my face. I felt rejuvinated after that nap. My eyes were wide opened for the first time in days. Nothing can possibly ruin this moment for me!

"Um, it's about Mark." she told me. My heart dropped. No...he didn't...

"He...kissed me." she confessed. I felt my heart rip out of my chest. We weren't dating right now, but I still loved him with all of my heart. Again, it's splattered all over the walls.

"You didn't kiss back...did you?" I asked her. Skylar cleared her throat and told me she didn't. I sighed a breath of relief. "That's okay." I told her. "We're not exactly official right now, so he should be able to do as he pleases." I felt Skylar smile on the other line. "Okay, but seriously. I didn't kiss back. Besides, I'm more into girls than guys."

I rolled my eyes. "I know you are." I said back. Skylar sighed. "Remember how we kissed a few weeks ago?" she asked. I smiled and blushed only slightly. "Yeah, I remember. You're actually not a bad kisser." I complimented. Skylar huffed at me. "Oooh, stop it, you're bluffing." she said in disbelief.

Skylar and I talked for a few more minutes and I told her that I wanted to see Mark. "He said he had to go shopping, and he said this after I shared my cutting story." she explained. My face turned from happy to panicked. "Oh, my God." I said under my breath. "What's wrong? He just has to buy some food." she assured me. No. Mark already has food and he's probably out buying more cutting supplies for his arms.

"His demons are talking to him, Sky." I told her with a blank look on my face. Skylar stayed silent for a second. I called her name a few times until she finally spoke.

"Why the hell did I tell him about that story?" she yelled, hitting herself in the face. I made her calm down. "Let's just get to the store and save him before it's too late." I told her. She agreed with me and hung up.

I grabbed my jacket and headed out. "Do you want some dinner?" Mom asked just before I slammed the apartment door on her.

Skylar and I met up at the store minutes later and scoped the place for Mark. I hope he's still here.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I had writer's block and college is getting crazy -___- but ill do my best to work around my busy schedule.

sooooo, a little bit of skylar and mark action is going on here ;) what do you guys think?

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