Chapter 16: Never Forget Me

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"I love you, you hate me, let's get together and kill Marky; with a great big wound, and some lies from me to you; won't you say you love me too?" ~Mark's way of thinking

~Your POV~

By the time we saw a car pull up, school was almost halfway over. The car was black, which hinted that it was Mark. He rolled down his window and looked at us.

"Are you two okay?" he asked. Skylar and I shot up from our spots on the road and nodded our heads. "Yep, were fine." I told him. Mark made us get in the car so he could drive us home.

"I told your parents about what was going on." Mark told me. I looked at him. "How? They're at work." I asked. Mark turned out of the neighborhood and drove to the apartment building. "They gave me their work numbers like a year ago when we started hanging out." Mark explained. I nodded and looked out the window.

As we passed the school, Mark saw Khloe making her way outside the front entrance. I gently slapped Mark's shoulder and told him to go faster. The speed limit here was only twenty during school hours, but I think getting a ticket is a little less risky than having Khloe shoot our faces off.

Mark sped up his car up until I was going twice the speed limit (forty). "Come back! I just want to play!" I heard a voice yell. It had to be Khloe. She threw something in the direction of the car, but luckily missed. "My metal pipe!" Skylar screeched.

"You don't need it." Mark said sternly. Skylar rapidly nodded her head. "Um, yeah I do! My Dad needs it! Pull over real quick!" She yelled. Mark looked overly frustrated and pulled over abruptly. "Hurry up, will ya?" he said, annoyed. Skylar rushed out, got the pipe, and climbed back inside. It literally took her three seconds. She came in, closed the door, and Mark took off.

We lost Khloe the second we drove on the town streets. Mark slowed down the car a little bit and was going twenty again. He's lucky that he didn't get a ticket.

Before we knew it, we were at the apartment building. My parents were already home, waiting for me to get back. They were waiting for us in my apartment. When they saw the three of us, they nearly jumped out of their seats in the kitchen and ran up to us. "Oh, my God, I'm so glad you guys are alright!" Mom yelled, squeezing all of us together. Dad hugged us, too. Skylar was smiling widely after we all parted. I guess she hasn't hugged her parents in a while.

"Now that I know you guys are alright, we have to go back to work. Mark, do you mind watching (f/n) until we get back?" Dad said. Mark nodded his head. "Sure thing." he said happily. My parents smiled. grabbed their jackets, and took off.

Mark walked into the living room and turned on the T.V. Skylar nudged my shoulder. "How about you and Mark work things out and get back together already?" she whispered in my ear. I was pretty skeptical about doing that, but I still love him. I nodded my head and watched Skylar walk to my room. She's probably going to play some video games or something.

I sat next to Mark on the couch and watched T.V. with him. He looked at me. I felt a little awkward sitting next to him alone again. We already sorted out this Skylar thing back in the car before, so I was unsure of what to say now.

"Mark?" I said. He continued to look at me. I breathed in and out a few times, trying to think of what to say. I just decided to tell him how I felt. "I really love you still." I admitted. "I have been crying nonstop because of us not being together. I'll do anything just to have you back as my boyfriend."

Mark smiled widely. "Those were the exact words I've been wanting to tell you for so long." he said to me. I grinned. Out of nowhere, he leaned in and kissed me. His hands were cupped around my cheeks while mine were around his neck. He moaned only slightly between breaths.

As Mark was about to take my shirt off, the front door shot open, and Mark and I quickly parted to see who it was. It was my Dad! And he did not look happy with us.

"Um." That was all he was able to say. Great, now there's another issue that's going to keep us apart.

"Mr. (L/n)." Mark said as he got up from the couch. Dad put his hand up toward Mark. "Just leave, now." My eyes widened. "Dad, no!" I yelled. He looked at me and got angry. "You be quiet!" he practically screamed. "Go to your room, young lady!"

I looked at Mark, sighed heavily, and walked into my room where Skylar was playing video games. She didn't seem to know what had just happened. I decided not to tell her and just crawled into bed.

~Mark's POV~

Mr. (L/n) kicked me out of the apartment and watched as I walked to mine. I let my hair fall over my face again. I ruffled through it and made it all messy. My hair looked like it did yesterday. All emo and shit.

I locked the door behind me once again and leaned my back against it.

Your life is a tragedy. You always fuck everything up. I got angry at the world again and walked over to the DVD rack. All of the movies (f/n) and I had watched together, all pointless now because now we can't do shit together!

I violently knocked over the rack and watched as the DVDs fell out on the way down. I screamed loudly as I broke more things around the house. I threw a glass vase across the room at the apartment door. The impact was probably loud enough for the whole first story to hear.

The more things I broke, the more angry I became. I didn't even think about breaking anything in my recording room, so I closed the door so I wouldn't get any bright ideas.

"Fuck everything!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I threw something else across the room, breaking one of the legs off of one of the dining table chairs. I walked over to that chair and broke it more by punching it and throwing it around.

I heard knocking on my apartment door, but I instead threw something at it. It was a framed picture of me and (f/n). "You ruined everything! Go the fuck away you bastard!" I yelled toward the door. Whoever was knocking eventually stopped and left.

I calmed down a little bit after throwing a few small things really hard against the wall. A notebook that I forgot I had was lying on the floor next to the DVD rack. I opened it and realized that it was something that (f/n) gave me for my twenty-sixth birthday. There were pictures of us that we took while on dates, or just hanging out at my place and even at hers. She even had a picture in here of when I took her to her junior prom last year. Damn, she looked so beautiful in that deep blue dress. It just went perfectly with her hair. I was wearing my standard tuxedo. I remember having to lie to her school saying that I was nineteen just so I'd be able to take her. Oh, the memories.

Letting my negative side rule over again, I flipped to an empty page and wrote a one and a half page long note. Yep, this is my suicide note for whoever to read. It took me a few minutes to write and think at the same time.

Still holding the notebook, I walked over to the front door and saw all of the broken glass shards scattered around the floor. Some of the pieces even made their way through the tiny crack under the door. They weren't the pieces from the vase, they were the pieces from the framed picture.

Picking one of the sharpest shards up, I reopened the deep cuts on both of my inner arms. I watched apathetically as the blood started streaming out again. I didn't care if I died this time. My life is at it's lowest point, and now, it'll get better forever.

Before feeling faint, I looked up at the ceiling and said my last few words. "I love you, (f/n). always and forever...goodbye." I said in a low tone. I fell to my side, dropping the notebook just by my chest, and just stared at the wall with a blurring vision.


NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Mark is attempting suicide!! WTFWTFWTF!? -___-

Will you be able to save him on time?? You better be able to!


Just a random little thing here, but I found out that on the first book, I'm almost at 2K readers. when i realized that, I was like DAAAAYUMM!! haha but seriously, thank you guys for reading the first book. it really meant a lot that you took the time to read it.

I also just reached 1K readers on my other story, "Truth About Dark". I swear, you guys are amazing. You're the only ones keeping me inspired. I love you all :D <333333333333

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