Chapter 21: We're Not Safe Anymore

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"The rain is pouring down on us too hard. It has became so cold that being stabbed anywhere on my body would be more painful than it ordinarily would be. Jackson is standing too close in front of us, and if he so much as budge, he'll kill all six of us." ~(F/n)

~Your POV~

With all the commotion that's been going on, I completely forgot about Kevin, Korey, Nikki, and Daniel! I roughly tugged on Skylar's shirt sleeve. "Dude, we forgot them!" I shouted. Skylar gave me a weird look, but then suddenly understood who I was talking about. "Shit, let's go back and get them." she said. I started sprinting toward the school with Skylar in front.

Jackson was threatening to shoot the oncoming police cars by pointing his gun at each of them. Using that as an advantage to sneak past him, Skylar and I walked right through the open front doors. The police didn't see us, lucky for us.

The police had brought the unharmed kids into locked classrooms. I didn't see any of our friends on the first story. Blood was splattered everywhere thanks to Jack-Off murdering everyone in sight. Dead bodies lie against the lockers, and the stench was unbearable. I almost vomited because of the mixture of blood and death that poured out throughout the school.

Skylar rushed up the stairs with me to look for our friends. There were more dead bodies up here than downstairs. Skylar walked down one of the hallways on the right while I walked straight ahead. What I saw next really blew my mind. Julianna and Jade were sitting next to each other against the wall, dead.

I knew those two weren't so bad. They only went along with what Khloe and Jackson said and did. I knew that they had their own personalities despite being popular and twins.

I went on my knees and stared at their bloody faces. I folded my hands over my lap and glanced at each of them at a time. "I'm sorry that they betrayed you. You didn't deserve this." I mumbled, beginning to cry.

With my hand, I closed Jade's eyes, then Julianna's.

Suddenly, I heard a strange noise coming from the hallway closest to me. It was the sound of knocking. I got on my feet and headed in the direction of the consistent knocking and pounding. It turns out that it was coming from a classroom that was locked, and Daniel's face was staring through the window.

I quickly picked the lock with a bent up paper clip I found in class last week and picked the lock within five seconds. I opened the door. "(F/n)!" they yelled, hugging me. "Thank God you're okay." Daniel said while hugging me. I hugged them back. "Did you see who the shooter was?" Nikki asked with a worried look on her face. I nodded my head. "Yeah, it's Principal Jackson." I said to them. Their eyes widened, but something tells me that they're not exactly surprised. He's always hated this school for whatever reason, which is why he used to let Khloe bully me and my friends. Well, I'm never letting that happen again because otherwise, Skylar and I will blow up her house. And don't think I wouldn't do it. Skylar and I are capable of a lot of shit.

Rage filled me as I thought about Khloe and Jackson. Those two are the biggest assholes in the world, and I've never said this about anyone else, but those two really should die now.

I mentally punched my thoughts away due to the horrible things they represented and turned my attention back to my friends. They were staring at me. "Hey, we've been calling your name for like two minutes. Is everything okay?" Kevin asked. I quickly nodded my head. "Yeah, sorry, just a random thought that popped in my head just got me distracted is all." I answered. Nikki nodded her head. "I know, (f/n), Khloe is a bitch." she said. Wow, she definitely has some mind powers.

On our way back to the first floor, we found Skylar in the hallway she walked through earlier. She was running in our direction and we all group-hugged again, thankful that nothing bad happened to her. Noticing something before going downstairs, Daniel glanced behind him and noticed Julianna and Jade's bodies sitting against the wall by the hallway they were locked in. Chills were spreading throughout his body. He nudged me in the shoulder. "(F/n)?" he said, still glaring at their dead bodies.

I looked in the same direction where Daniel was looking and felt vomit in my throat. I swallowed it immediately and nodded my head. "I know, Daniel. Honestly, they didn't deserve this. They might've bullied us last year, but believe me, if Khloe didn't exist, they probably would've been our friends." I felt myself wanting to cry again. Looking back one last time, I cried a tear. Daniel rubbed my shoulder and walked me down the stairs.

Undetected, the six of us snuck out of the school and headed straight toward town. I called Mark and waited for him to answer.

~Mark's POV~

I'm in my apartment, helping Skylar's older brother, Tony, with his engineering project that he needs done by the end of his first semester. I told him that it's always good to get it over with to make more time for other assignments. He was definitely improving ever since I started helping him out. Turns out that he, like Skylar, is a fan of my videos. Maybe they watch my videos together as a way of bonding. Maybe I'm the reason why those two are so close.

Out of nowhere, I jumped to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the caller I.D. and saw (f/n)'s name pop up. She's in why is she calling me?

I answered the phone. "Hello?" I said, feeling a little nervous. She was panting and I heard some shouting in the background. "Hurry before he finds out we left!" Skylar yelled. "Mark, there's a school shooting. Please save us!" That's all I heard before she hung up on me.

I got up from my chair and rushed out of the apartment to (f/n)'s apartment door. I knocked continuously until someone answered. It was her Dad. He seemed a little annoyed when he saw me. "Can I help you?" he asked meanly. I rolled my eyes and just told him what was going on. He got all wide-eyed and rushed the both of us out of the apartment building.

~Your POV~

The six of us were walking to town. My arm was still in a lot of pain, but the stab eventually scarred over a little bit. I guess it wasn't too deep after all.

We took a break at the cemetery where we had my seventeenth birthday back in January. I sat down on the field in front of a tombstone. Skylar was walking around the area where we all sat at. She pointed at one in particular, which had dozens of bouquets of flowers. "That's my dead baby sister." she said, staring at her name engraved on it. I stood up and read the name. Haley Elizabeth Rockwell.

"My parents blamed me for her dying while still in my Mom's stomach." she added. I looked at her, and she had an apathetic look on her face. "Why would they blame you? It's not like you were carrying her." I asked, feeling sympathetic.

Skylar shook her head. "No idea, but nevertheless, it's still my fault somehow." she said, and shrugged. I raised my eyebrows and sat in front of it, admiring the bouquets of flowers surrounding her tombstone. Most of them were dying white roses. I shed a tear while reading her name over and over again. She died about two years ago, according to the date on the stone. July 28, 2013.

Breaking the silence, I heard a car pull up next to us, and it wasn't Mark like I was hoping. It was a blue car and Jackson and Khloe were inside. Khloe pointed at us through the windshield. "There they are!" she screamed. We all stood up and attempted to run away, but they got out with their guns, making it hard for us to escape due to the risk of one of us getting shot.


hey guys sorry i didnt update yesterday. got busy with college -___- hope you like the story! im almost done with it :D

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