Chapter 23: A Life For A Life

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"You killed my father! Now I'll kill you!" Khloe screamed as she pointed the gun in my direction. Skylar was at my apartment after I told her that I needed to run out for a few minutes. This brought back the recent memory of almost being shot in the woods by her. What they say about history is true. It really does repeat itself, except this time, I might actually die." ~(F/n)

~Your POV~

I am running over to Daniel's position right now. He told me that he was at the park just outside of town. I guess he was hanging out there with the rest of my friends, mourning over Korey. I tried my best to hold in the sadness for as long as I was out in public. And then I'll get home to express my emotions behind closed doors.

The park is just up ahead. When I left my apartment, everyone there had questioning looks on their faces. Frankly, though, I don't care what happens now because shit is about to go down. One of us was going to die today, and it's not going to be me, my friends, nor my family.

Everyone was sitting behind a big tree on the far end of the park. I ran toward them and found myself sitting next to them. They looked up at me with tears in their eyes. "We came here to hide from Khloe. I doubt she'll find us here." Daniel told me. I nodded my head.

Kevin spent some time talking about Korey. He was smiling while talking about each of his memories with him, but deep inside, I know he greatly wanted to cry.

"I remember a few years ago when we had our birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's and Korey kept dragging me into the ball pit. I've always hated going in there because I got lost one time, but he was always there to help me in case I did. He was my hero." Kevin started crying again. Nikki hugged him tightly while the rest of us were sobbing away. I'm sure everyone else here has had a lot of memories of him, but my only moment with him was at the cemetery last year for my seventeenth birthday.

Daniel stood up next to Korey and patted him on the back. "I'm really sorry, man." He cried. He hugged Korey. Nikki was sitting beside them holding a knife to her arm. "I want to fucking kill Khloe." she said under her breath. I looked at Nikki. Her knife was pressed hard against her wrist. I reached my hand out to her and begged her not to do that. She gave me a look. "Korey just died! And I think I have a right to express my sadness!" She screamed at my face. Daniel and Kevin froze and stared at us.

"Stop being so heartless and let me do what I do!" Nikki finished. I looked down at the grass with more tears developing. First, my friend died, and now Nikki is yelling at me. How can this day possibly get worse?

I stood up and prepared to walk away until someone stopped me. A hand was felt on my shoulder. I turned my head around and saw Kevin looking at me. "Please don't go." he said. I stared into his eyes for a moment, peered at Nikki a few times, and finally decided to stick around for a little while longer. I wasn't in any mood to say anything else because apparently, my words hurt people, even if they're meant to be helpful.

"I remember doing this science project with Korey back in freshman year. We had to research something about how salty the sea was or something like that. Anyway, we became like instant friends during that project because we just worked so well together. He was always the rock in my life." Daniel started choking on his words due to the tears that were forming. Everyone started hugging him except for me. Everyone just stared at me with a questioning look on their faces. "Do you even care?" Nikki asked finally. I nodded my head while keeping my gaze on the grass.

"I care." That's all I managed to let out. Kevin and Nikki began to gang up on me. Daniel stayed away from me and kept his eyes on me.

"If you care, then why don't you show it?" Nikki asked meanly. He shoved me hard to a point where I almost fell. Kevin looked pretty pissed off, too. "Yeah. Who ever knew that you were so selfish?" he said. After taunting me for what seemed to be hours, they walked away, dragging Daniel along with them. I was left in the rain, alone. It's okay, I'm used to it.

I decided to take a short walk in the rain. Those guys have absolutely no idea what I've been through these past few weeks. Being kidnapped, your boyfriend almost dying, your own principal almost killing you, and apparently I'm the bad guy here. They'll never know about the shit I've been through. Maybe if they knew, they wouldn't have been so hard on me before.

The rain is coming down hard now. My hair was getting wet again, and my clothes were soaked already. I don't care, though.

Thoughts were rushing through my mind like it's a race to see which thought will haunt me the most. Let's just say, it's a tie.

Everything happened too fast. I was kidnapped by Jackson and Khloe, Mark almost died, I almost died, and Korey died. All in one week. I deeply cared about Korey and still do. We didn't share too many memories together, but I cherished having lunch with him and him celebrating my birthday with me. He used to hunt for werewolves with Kevin during full moons. I've always loved werewolves. I loved watching movies and T.V. shows about them. Now, watching them will only bring back memories that I wish I had with Korey.

My head started hurting. These thoughts are getting louder and louder as they continue to occupy my mind. Everything around me was getting blurry; I actually had to sit down on the sidewalk just to try and clear my head. Kids are running around on the playground. Their screams and laughter started getting louder and began echoing through my mind like in a horror movie or something when something extraordinary is about to happen. Like a ghost is about to scare you from behind or a monster is about to rip you apart limb from limb. I constantly checked behind me to make sure no one or nothing was coming. I'm safe...for now.

Having high hopes that nothing was about to spring out on me, I saw Khloe coming toward me, holding a pistol. She had a crazed look on her face. "You killed my father." she said. Jackson's dead body started imaging in my head. The bullet in his head, the blood pouring out from the side of his head, and his body lying face down. I can't take it anymore. I feel like a killer, not a human.

"Look, I'm sorry, Khloe. He killed Korey, so what the fuck was I supposed to do?" I said weakly. She scoffed at my statement. "You could've just cried and cut yourself like the emo bitch you are." she said back. I didn't respond. Instead, I just held my arms out. "Then just kill me already. I'm sick of living anyway."

Khloe smiled. "Smart girl." she said as she cocked her gun and aimed it at my head. I know that I'm going to die today.

~Skylar's POV~

I have a weird feeling that (f/n) is in danger right now. Mark is in the middle of sharing a story about him going to Comicon or something like that. I followed along and everything, but my head is constantly pounding, and that always means that something bad is happening.

I had to interrupt Mark. "I'm sorry, Mark, but I have to go check something." I told him. He gave me a weird look, but before he said anything, I ran out the door.


shit...your friends now hate you. do you really think they are worth having as friends? especially since they have no empathy for your feelings? or is it that they just don't know your true story?

1K readers! i really appreciate the support guys <3 thanks for reading! I have two more chapters prepped up for this story. I'm thinking about making the adventures of you and skylar a series or something because i'm already thinking about maing a third story :D until then, I will see the next chapter. bubyeeee!!

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