Chapter 6: The Great Separation

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"Being separated from my one true love has never been as depressing as it was right now. She's missing, and I'm just sitting here, crying like a baby about it. I need to man up and look for her before it's too late." ~Mark

~Your POV~

Skylar and I were laughing as the cigarette smoke started making us feel slightly lightheaded. I can't really tolerate this much smoke at a time, which makes me a lightweight. Skylar would laugh at how I coughed sometimes if I inhaled too much.

"You're not exactly experienced, are you?" she asked me. I shook my head. "Not even a little bit." I said back.

We laughed about it for a few minutes and we went back to smoking. The whole room started to get clouded with smoke thanks to the two of us. While Skylar was picking another song to play, I started thinking about Mark. I wonder how he's doing.

~Mark's POV~

I opened the door of the bathroom and weakly walked out with dried up tears on my cheeks. I've really turned into a monster, and I don't know why.

It was nearing four-thirty, and (f/n) hasn't even sent me a message. Since I came back to my apartment, I didn't hear any footsteps cut through the hallway. But, I decided to see if (f/n) was home anyway.

Her apartment was around the corner and down the hall from me. I walked there quickly and knocked on her door. This time, the door opened and her Mom appeared. I sighed in disappointment, knowing that that's not (f/n).

"Hey, Mark!" she said happily. I smiled and waved at her. "Hey, Mrs. (L/n). Is (f/n) home?" (F/n)'s mother turned around and shouted at her husband. "Honey, is (f/n) in her room?" she called. It took a few minutes for Mr. (L/n) to reply, but he finally did. "No, she might still be out." he said.

I sighed. "Okay, thanks." I said and turned away. (F/n)'s mother stopped me. "Did you need her for something?" She asked me. I shook my head while facing away from her. "No, I just missed her today and wanted to see if she needed help with homework." I lied. Her Mom patted me on the back. "Don't worry about it. You can stop by when she gets home." she said with a smile. I nodded my head. "Sounds good." I said back.

Again, I walked back to my apartment and let out a few tears. I wasn't going to be able to see (f/n) later because my parents wanted me to drive out and see them for a few days. I hope (f/n) will be happy to know that I won't exist in this town for the next three days.

~Your POV~

Skylar and I finished smoking a whole pack of cigarettes by the time the sun started setting. We conversated about almost everything there is to talk about.

Before I left her house, she tapped on my shoulder. "Remember to steer clear from Mark for a bit, okay?" she told me. I nodded my head. "Okay." I answered.

It was only around eight o'clock right now, and my parents are probably getting worried about me. At the moment, I didn't let that idea get to me. Instead, I just wanted to hide out in the same alleyway where Skylar spray paints and smoke a few more cigarettes, and maybe even spray paint a creation of my own.

~Skylar's POV~

I probably should've walked (f/n) home. The sky is very, very dark, and anything is bound to happen to her. I should probably look for her before something bad happens.

My parents refused to let me out of the house, even though I was eighteen years old. "No way, Skylar. You're still on probation and you're not allowed out after eight." My Dad said as both my parents blocked the door off. I got angry and threw one of their glass vases in between them at the door. "I hope that shattered glass slits your neck, you good for nothing parents!" I screamed and stomped upstairs.

As you can probably tell, I have anger issues. I've never had these issues last year. In fact, I was always perky and ready to run a mile if needed. But this year, my innocence escaped me and the real world is killing me.

~Mark's POV~

Still no word from (f/n), and it's after eight. With her parole, she's supposed to be home by eight o'clock.

I was sitting on the bed in my Mom's spare room, squeezing the shit out of the remote for the T.V. I was still replaying that tragic MTV party episode. The remote was so compressed by my hands that it was almost ready to break in half. This separation is beginning to eat at me.

I sent a message to Skylar after waiting another hour for (f/n) to contact me. I asked her if she has heard from (f/n) tonight.

Skylar: She was with me after school today, and she left an hour ago. I guess she's home now...

Me: I'm not even home right now. I'm at my parents' house in another town. Are you sure she said she'd head home?

Skylar: I'm pretty sure...I'm not allowed to leave the house to find her, so unless you go, she's screwed...and I did send her a few messages after she left, but no answer..

Me: I'm very worried about her.

Skylar: Me too...

Me: Well like I said, there's no way I can go out to look for her. My parents would be suspicious.

Skylar: Then let's pray that she got home safely.

Me: Yeah...

I looked out the window to find a full moon sitting in the night sky. I hope that the moon provided her some light so she could even find her way home.

~Your POV~

With the black spray paint that Skylar gave me, I wrote, "Mark and (F/n) forever". Even though Mark and I are "broken up", I still really loved him. He is my soulmate. Mark will either be happy to see this on the wall, or disgusted.

I backed away from the wall to observe it more. "I love you, Mark." I whispered. With that being said, I turned around and was suddenly kicked in the face by an all too familiar-feeling shoe. I tried to open my eyes to see who kicked me. The figure standing in front of me was as dark as a shadow thanks to it being nine o'clock at night. "Hey, who are-" I was cut off with a blunt force hitting me in the back of the head, making me pass out immediately.


Damn, what's happening to you!? Lolz!

There's chapter 6! sorry it's a little short, but i wanted to leave a cliffhanger to make this story a tad more exciting :D ill probably update chapter 7 tomorrow night, cuz i got college tomorrow -___- hope you guys liked it!

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