Chapter 17: S.O.S. 2

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"We're losing him! We're losing him! Hurry up doctor!" The nurse said loudly. "Shut up, nurse!" my thoughts screamed. I slipped slowly into unconsciousness right after I thought that." ~Mark

~Your POV~

When my Dad was in the shower, I knocked continuously until I heard a sudden suspicious noise play out from inside Mark's apartment. Some blood was travelling through the small crack under the door. The smell of it made me almost gag in disgust.

"Mark!" I screamed as I pounded his door. I barely got a response from him. The only words I were able to make out from him was, "I love you. Never forget me, my perfect baby."

I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. I squeezed the phone in my hand as I awaited an answer. Mark is dying. Hurry the fuck up!

"911, what's your emergency?" someone said. I snapped out of my thoughts and talked really fast. "My boyfriend tried to kill himself and his apartment door is locked! Please help me before he dies!" I screamed and hung up. I ran into my apartment and started gathering some of my things. Skylar was still inside playing video games. "Sky!" I screamed, startling her. She abruptly turned to me. "What!? What's wrong!?" she yelled, panicked.

"Mark tried killing himself and I just called the police! We have to go to the hospital right now!" I told her, packing a bag of clothes so I can spend the night at the hospital. She threw the controller on the ground really hard and stood up. "Come on! Let's go already before he dies!" she screamed, pulling me out of the apartment. My Dad came out of the bathroom, still looking a bit angry. "Where do you think you're going?" he said, almost grabbing a hold of me. Skylar pushed his arm back toward him and ran out with me.

A few paramedics arrived with a stretcher and tried to unlock Mark's apartment door. With success, they opened the door only to hit Mark in the chest. He showed no reaction because he looked as though he were passing out. "Hurry up! Get him on the stretcher and stop the bleeding!" one man yelled.

My Dad ran down the hallway and saw the scene. He looked very shocked to see that Mark was going to the hospital. He saw me sliding down against the wall with my back, crying. Skylar tried to help the paramedics with Mark because, damn, he's a heavy man.

After they put Mark on the stretcher, a few other paramedics tried to stop the bleeding by using damp towels. Another paramedic tried to find his pulse. He jammed two fingers on his right wrist. "We have a pulse." they chanted. My Dad tried to help me up, but I refused to even let him touch me. Skylar, on the other hand, did lift me up. She shook my head around a little bit, thinking that it'll help me stop crying. "Let's go, (f/n)." she said to me. I developed enough strength to walk and followed the paramedics out of the apartment. My Dad was right behind us.

Skylar and I rode in the back of the ambulance truck along with a few other paramedics. I held Mark's hand tightly while Skylar stared at his unconscious face. "Please stay with us." I mumbled. Mark made a grunting noise, which made me smile only slightly.

Minutes later, we arrived at the hospital. They brought Mark inside and the paramedics ordered us to wait in the waiting room.

~Mark's POV~

The lights of the hospital are getting brighter and brighter. I can see the light leading me to the darkness of death. I heard yelling from the paramedics bringing me to the OR.

"Move! Watch out! He's going into hypovolemic shock! Please assist!" they yelled. No. Don't help me. Just let me lie here and die like I should've back home.

One of the nurses was looking down into my eyes. She had brown eyes, her hair was tied back in a bun, and she was wearing one of those hats you see those nurses wear. I put my hand on her wrist. "Please save me, nurse." I said, my voice dying. She was frantically nodding her head. "We will, Mark. Everything is going to be okay." she said. She turned her head back toward the direction we were going.

One of the paramedics took my blood pressure again and looked very worried. I glanced over at the monitor where my heart rate is displayed. Through my blurred vision, the results didn't look too good. "He's dying! Hurry up everybody before it's too late!" he shouted.

I faced the ceiling again and let the bright lights take me. I feel like I'm...I feel like I'm...

"Stay with us!" The nurse said, slapping my face gently. It was no use. The lights were blocking my vision; my surroundings were getting brighter than usual; my heart was slowly stopping; and my body grew stiff. Again, I feel like I'm...

And then I passed out.



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