Chapter 2: Beginning Of The End

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"I take death threats to a whole new level." ~Khloe

~Your POV~

After dinner, I walked into my room to watch some of Mark's older YouTube videos. His Five Nights at Freddy's videos always put a smile on my face when I felt like crying.

Despite being in an intensified therapy situation while in jail, I still felt my dark side creep up on me every once in a while. It's just a matter of letting it out. I refused to start cutting again, which is why I got that tattoo, but when school starts, something is bound to happen.

I clicked Mark's video and watched him play Five Nights at Freddy's for a little while. I laughed at all of his jumpscares and jokes he made. He's so handsome.

Before I knew it, it was eleven o'clock at night, and I forgot to bathe. My parents were already asleep in their room. I quietly walked into the bathroom, holding my pajamas, and turned the water on in the shower. The pressure was pretty high right now, which I'm grateful for because I felt very gross.

In the shower, I shampooed my hair while lathering soap all over my body. Since last year, I've only gained ten pounds. For a person who barely eats, it's a lot of weight to gain. Now, I plan on staying at this weight.

I got out of the shower at eleven-fifteen and changed into my pajamas. My hair was still very long and (h/c). My eyes were drowsy looking as well.

I turned the light off in the bathroom and made my way back to my room. Just as I shut my door, my phone was ringing. The caller I.D. said "Mark❤️". I smiled and answered the phone.

"Evening, my beautiful man." I said with a laugh. Mark chuckled on the phone. "I see you haven't fallen asleep yet, and it's past eleven." he pointed out. I sighed. "Yeah, I know." I told him. "I have to get my sleeping pattern back on track before school next Monday." I added.

Mark laughed on the phone. "Yeah, that sucks for you, my senior citizen." he said. I felt him smiling on the other line. I smiled back at him, even though he couldn't see me.

"Senior year is going to suck." I complained.

"No it won't, honey." Mark argued.

I scoffed on the phone. "Yeah, we'll see."

Mark laughed. "Everything will be okay, I promise." He assured me. I rolled my eyes and just saved my breath of arguing. "Fine." I said tiredly. Mark was silent for a minute.

"Well, I need to get to bed. Got a lot of recording to do tomorrow. Want to meet up at around four?" He asked. I smiled and told him sure.

After exchanging I love yous to each other, I hung up and fell fast asleep. Tomorrow should be fun.


A week has past by and it's already the first day of school. Skylar and I met up and decided to walk to school. My bus suspension has been long since vanished, but I don't want this year to be a repeat of last year where I accidentally hurt Khloe's feelings.

"Ugh, senior year, man." Skylar moaned. I nodded my head as I looked straight ahead. "I hope it goes better than last year. What happened at that party was just.." I paused. I didn't want to remember that tragic night again. Skylar looked as though she didn't either.

The school was already packed with other kids, and class doesn't even start for another half an hour. Skylar and I just wanted to come here early to assure ourselves that we'll avoid new rivalries or Khloe, Julianna, and Jade. Honestly, Julianna and Jade weren't as bad as Khloe. Khloe was the biggest bitch anyone could've ever encountered in their lives. Plus the principal, which is her father...ugh!

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