Chapter 20: Stop! She's Innocent!

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"Half of the students at the school are dead, and nobody's doing a thing about it. Now, it's up to me and (f/n) to get those guns again." ~Skylar

~Your POV~

Skylar and I were hesitant on going inside the school. Jackson was holding something odd in his hands, and frankly, now would be the perfect time to run.

Skylar held my hand tightly with Mark watching us from the car. He looked a little skeptical, but he knows that we have to go to school for a change.

We slowly walked toward the front doors of the school. Our hands were still interlocked with each others'. "I'm really scared." I said. Skylar nodded her head. "I'll protect you." she told me. My heart skipped a beat. No one's ever said that to me before. Maybe Mark is right. Skylar just might be in love with me.

I loved Mark, though. There's no way I'd feel comfortable dating a girl, even though I'm bisexual. Wait, am I even bisexual?

School seemed as normal as ever. I saw all of the kids walking past us and going to their lockers, going to class, or just hanging by the bathrooms. Those kinds of kids skip class every day. I know, because back in middle school, I used to be one of them, except with no friends.

On the other side of the hallway, Skylar and I saw Khloe staring at us. She was wearing her usual slutty outfit that revealed more cleavage than the average female could possibly show.

Skylar pulled me by the arm down a different hallway. "Let's just take the long way around." she said. I followed her and looped around different hallways just to get to our first class. I was already fed up with Khloe's bullshit, and I haven't even been to school for over a week.

We made it to our first class without encountering Khloe anywhere in the halls. I sighed a breath of relief and sat in the desk I flipped over the last time I was here. People were staring at me, hoping for an encore of what happened last week. Skylar put a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "Just ignore those pricks."

The day dragged on and before I knew it, it was already lunch. Skylar and I were already on our way to the cafeteria when the sound of something booming deafened us. Screams poured out throughout the hallways and kids were scrambling to find an exit.

Skylar and I stood in the middle of the hallway as the kids were running through this hallway in the opposite direction. "What the fuck is going on!?" I shouted over the screaming. Some of the screams became more clear to us. From the screams, I was able to make out, "Get out of here! He has a gun!"

Being the rebels of the situation, Skylar and I stayed behind to figure out exactly who the shooter was. A few more booms were sounded, making me cringe in pain from my ringing ears. Skylar covered hers and had an angry expression on her face. I've never seen her so angry in my life before she got into jail. Now, all she knows is anger. Jail doesn't decriminalize you. It just plainly criminalizes you.

The crowds of running kids lessened and eventually, the hallways were as silent as a solitary confinement cell. The silence deafened me even more than the booms we heard earlier.

An all too familiar man walked into our hallway, holding a gun in his hand. Principal Jackson. I knew that what he was holding this morning was not to be a trusted item. It was a little black box. A man who's supposed to be preaching against school shootings is actually condoning it by doing it himself.

An evil smile played out on his lips. His blond hair was a mess as if he worked out before preparing this mass murder. I didn't notice it before, but a few kids behind me were shot. How on earth did he shoot a bullet past both me and Skylar? One of us could've been shot.

An unsuspecting student walked past him on the far end of the hall. The student turned out to be a friend of mine in Physics. She always paired up with me during class projects in the past, and we've talked ever since. She was pretty geeky, but I loved smart people more than dumbasses.

She was listening to music while reading from a textbook. With no shame at all, Jackson just shot her right in the head. "Jessica!" I screamed just before the impact of the shot made her fall on the floor sideways. I reached my hand out toward her as if it would alert her faster. I was too late.

Jessica's blood was streaming out of the side of her head like a waterfall. The blood was traveling toward me and eventually reached my feet. Skylar stood there in shock. Jackson stood there, staring at us with that demented smile on his face. Being the dumb girl I could be sometimes, I attempted to run up to her. Skylar jerked me backwards toward her. "Stop! Are you nuts!?" she screamed. I started crying heavily.

Jackson put his gun away and pulled out a knife from his back pocket, like he was saving the slow death for me and Skylar. Skylar squeezed my bicep and tried to pull us both out. Again, we were too late. Jackson threw his knife toward us and before I knew it, it hit my left arm. The knife was dangling there like it owned the place. I screeched out in pain. In a panic, Skylar turned to me, pulled the knife out, threw it toward Jackson, and rushed us out.

My arm is in excruciating pain right now. The cut wasn't deep enough for me to die, but God damn, it really hurts!

Running outside, I pulled my phone out and called the police. I quickly filed the report of a school shooting at the school. They said to remain calm and that they're on their way.

Skylar led us back to that neighborhood that we went to the other day. From here, I was still able to hear deafening gun shots and loud screams. Minutes later, I heard the soothing sounds of sirens approaching the school.


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