Chapter 25: Happily Ever After...NOT!

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"I NEVER want to speak to you again, Mark!" Skylar screamed as she grabbed her jacket and headed for the door. I tried to stop her by grabbing her arm. She jerked it back toward her. "And you...don't ever come near me again! I can't even look at you anymore! You disgust me." With that, Skylar left and nothing else was said until Mark stopped me from collapsing to my knees by holding me from behind. "You're alright, (f/n)." he said in my ear. I wrapped my arms around his, which were around my waist. "We don't need anybody else, except for each other." he added, kissing my neck. I love him so much...even though he practically killed Korey."

~Your POV~

Me and Skylar's parole officer drove us to my apartment, where my parents and Mark were. Mark was talking to my parents about something. When they saw me and Skylar come in, my parents immediately walked toward us, noticing our parole officer behind us. We are soaking wet. "Why don't you do freshen up?" Mom said to me. I nodded my head. Me, Skylar, and Mark were standing in the living room while my parents were in the hallway with our parole officer.

"Is everything okay?" Mark asked us. I frowned and shook my head. "Khloe pointed a gun at us before." I told him. Mark's eyes widened. "And I wasn't there to save you!?" he cried. I shushed him, fearing that my parents may hear him. He zipped his lips and turned to Skylar.

"I didn't want her dead, so I rushed out of here to save her. I don't want her to end up like Korey. Jackson will forever be in my debt, even though he's dead right now." Skylar said in a low tone. Mark frowned at us. "It's not Jackson's fault that Korey is dead." he stammered. We looked up at Mark for more answers.

Mark got over his stuttering and started explaining. "I snuck up behind Jackson's car and threw a rock at his head. That made him lose balance and he shot Korey just before he got knocked out." Skylar looked a little scared, but mostly pissed off. She exchanged looked a both me and Mark. She stopped at me.

"So, it's your little boyfriend's fault that Korey's dead?" she asked meanly. Mark looked like he was about to cry. "Skylar, I didn't kno-" Skylar cut me off by yelling at Mark.

"I NEVER want to speak to you again, Mark!" Skylar screamed as she grabbed her jacket and headed for the door. I tried to stop her by grabbing her arm. She jerked it back toward her. "And you...don't ever come near me again! I can't even look at you anymore! You disgust me." With that, Skylar left and nothing else was said until Mark stopped me from collapsing to my knees by holding me from behind. "You're alright, (f/n)." he said in my ear. I wrapped my arms around his, which were around my waist. "We don't need anybody else, except for each other." he added, kissing my neck. I love him so much...even though he practically killed Korey.

My parents were still in the hallway. They watched as Skylar left the apartment building, never to be seen again for a while probably.

Mark hugged me tightly. "I didn't mean for him to shoot Korey, (f/n)." Mark said, crying. I nodded. "I know, I know." I said back.

I've always wanted a happy ending and to live happily ever after, but with my life, nothing ends happy. It's all a tragedy. One problem after another. Now, it's just a matter of picking up all of the pieces and putting them back together, even with Khloe, Korey, and Jackson being dead.


sad endings really suck...thats why i hate writing them. but i'm working on a third book. i'll update asap! thanks for reading! <3

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