Chapter 8: How Could I Be So Stupid?

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"She hasn't been home for God only knows how long, and all you have to tell me is to stay calm!? Imagine losing your only daughter for over a week! You wouldn't like that so much, would you!?" ~Your Mother

~Your Mom's POV~

Three days has passed since (f/n)'s disappearance. I thought she was spending Tuesday afternoon with Skylar, but now it's Friday morning and there was still no sign of her.

I woke up to my husband snoring loudly. He was turned away from me on his side with his arms hugged into his chest. How can he sleep so peacefully while our only daughter is missing!? I smacked him in the butt and climbed out of bed. "Wake up, honey." I shouted. He stirred in his spot and only turned to his back, snoring loudly again afterwards. That lazy bum.

I walked into the kitchen and looked for the phone, spotting it on the charger next to the coffee maker. I picked up the phone and called the police. I should've done this sooner, but I thought she was still with Skylar or something. I feel like a horrible mother.

"Cincinnati police department; what is your emergency?" A lady said on the other line. I breathed in quickly and spoke. "Yes, I'd like to report a missing person; my daughter to be exact. Her name is (F/n) (L/n), she is (your height), has (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and she weighs about one-hundred thirty pounds. Please find her before something happens to her!" I begged, almost in tears.

How could I be so stupid? I should've at least went out to look for her when it was past eight on Tuesday night. I probably would've been able to find her and bring her home in one piece. I assumed that Mark would've been out looking for her that night, too, but I doubt he even knew about this at first. Like I said before, I'm such a horrible mother.

The person on the phone told me that they'll do everything and anything to track her down because it's been over twenty-four hours anyway. I sighed in relief and hung up the phone. The police may say that they have it under control, but I want to keep looking for her anyway.

I put the phone back on the charger and sat at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee sitting in front of me. Work was going to start up in another hour. I should just call in sick so I could go out and look for (f/n). That'll make up for me being so ignorant during a time like this.

~Your POV~

Hours have sped by since I ended up in this tiny ass prison. I don't even know what time it is right now, but I know it's really late. I should've just went home from Skylar's. None of this would've happened.

Khloe and Jackson untied me from the chair and let me sleep on the hard concrete floor. It wasn't comfortable, but what choice do I have?

After Khloe and Jackson left the room, they locked the door behind them. It was probably locked on the outside, which eliminates my chances of escape.

I felt the back of my head with the palm of my hand. It still hurt really bad. At this point, childbirth probably hurt less than the agonizing pain that I'm feeling right now. The blood from the baseball bat dried up in my hair and on the wound itself. I wouldn't be surprised if this wound got infected somehow.

I turned to my left side, facing the wall, and prepared myself for sleep with my legs hugged into my chest. Many things were going through my mind right now, surprisingly enough. I remembered what I had spray painted in that alleyway right before I was hit. "Mark and (F/n) forever." Tears were developing and eventually started strolling down my cheeks. I really miss Mark right now. There's so many things about my not-so-distant past that I would've changed if I knew that I had this coming. From when I taunted Khloe on the bus to the mass shooting at that party; everything would've changed if I had prevented those things. Instead of being here, I would probably be at home, sleeping before meeting up with Skylar at school and hanging out with Mark right after school. When Mark asked me about my day from day one, I should've told him the truth. I don't know why I thought hiding the truth would make things better. That's just another thing that I "love" about myself.

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