Chapter 7: Where Am I?

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"If I had known that this would happen to her, I would've chased after her instead of pushing her away from me." ~Mark

~Your POV~

The back of my head hurt like a bitch. Whoever hurt me must be stronger than any average human. Wait a minute...

I opened my eyes to a bright light in a pretty old room. I wasn't sure what time it was, what state I was in, or if I was even on Earth still. A door that matched the walls opened suddenly and two people came inside the room. I knew it...

"Khloe!? Principal Jackson!?" I screamed through the piece of cloth tied around my mouth. To them, my voice sounded muffled and inaudible. Khloe was holding something behind her back, but I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know what it was. Principal Jackson, however, was holding the weapon used to inflict the blunt-force trauma to the back of my head. A metal baseball bat. I saw a few splotches of blood on it. Damn, did he really hit me that hard?

"You're going to be staying with us for a while." Khloe informed me. I started shaking around in the chair, as if it would help me break free. "Somebody help me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Khloe and Jackson laughed their asses off. "Save your breath. Nobody can hear you through a sealed room." Jackson told me. I started crying now. My tears were being soaked on the clothes that's covering my mouth. It's too bad that I didn't gain ten pounds in muscle, because otherwise, I would've escaped this pathetic prison method of theirs and beat the shit out of them.

~Mark's POV~

The clock struck midnight. Everybody, including my brother, were sound asleep in their bedrooms. I snuck through the house and headed out to the car, leaving a note to my parents saying, Went for a ride; be back soon.

Despite the fight (f/n) and I had today, she would've still tried to call me or send me a message. I know she would've, because I know her all too well.

As I was driving back to Cincinnati, I was sending messages to Skylar to see if she wanted to help me track her down. Texting while driving; don't try this at home, kids.

I know for a fact that (f/n) wasn't home. Just as I was sending Skylar a reply, I received a phone call from an unfamiliar phone number. I answered it anyway. "Hello?" I said as I turned the corner. I heard crying on the other line. "Mark? Is that you?" a woman asked. It sounded like (f/n)'s mother!

I pulled over to the side of the road. "Yeah it's me! What's happening?" I asked a little too loudly. (F/n)'s mother was gasping for breath. "(F/n) never came home tonight, and on top of that, she's breaking her parole, she hasn't return our phone calls, and we don't know where she is! We asked around a few hours ago and nobody at all has seen her. We're so worried!" she explained to me. I honestly had no idea what I was going to do. If she wasn't seen around town, where on earth would she be!?

"Didn't you call the police!?" I asked her sternly. She was crying too hard to listen to me. She finally collected herself and told me she didn't. I sighed lightly. I could understand why she didn't, but breaking parole is far less dangerous than being shot to death.

"Okay, I am actually on my way back to town, and I'll do my best to look for her. I promise, we'll find her alive." I said calmly. (F/n)'s mother calmed down a little bit. "Thank you, Mark. My husband and I are going to look around again. I'm not sleeping unless I know my daughter is alright." she said. I smiled a little bit. "I know she will be. I'll see you in a little bit." I told her. "Okay, bye." she said, and hung up.

I sped the car up and eventually ended up in Cincinnati in half the time. The streetlights were shining brightly on this cold night. It was probably forty degrees right now. Few cars were driving past me to head out of town while others were right behind me. What a peaceful night to deal with such an unsettling conflict.

Skylar's house was on the other side of town. She was awake, and she told me to stop by because she found a way to track (f/n) down. I was relieved to hear that. For an innocent looking girl like Skylar, she definitely has her devious ways.

After a few more minutes of driving, I parked on the side of the road in front of Skylar's house. I noticed her sky-blue hair by her front door. Her bangs were parted over her forehead and over her left eye, as always. I rememeber when (f/n) dyed her hair hot pink. She looked pretty cute, but I liked her natural color better.

Skylar was wearing all black. Black skelanimals pajama pants, and a black V-neck t-shirt that hugs her waistline. I was barely able to notice her in the dark. "Hey." she said with a worried look on her face. I got out of the car and frowned. "Hey, how are you?" I asked her. Skylar shrugged. "Meh." she answered. I nodded my head in understanding and followed her into her house.

Skylar's kittens were asleep by the mother cat. They are so adorable.

Skylar had a computer in her living room. The screen was already turned on to some website. She sat down and pointed at the link on top of the page. "" she read. I squinted my eyes to read it because it was so small. Skylar spun to me in her chair. "Now that she has the iPhone 5s, I can use the 'Find My iPhone' thingy to look for her! I just hope that she still has it with her." Skylar explained. She typed in (f/n)'s Apple account and refreshed the page.

Skylar and I waited for a few minutes until the computer finally tracked her down. "Aha." She whispered. She looked closely at where the purple dot was located. I frowned at that. "Where is that?" I asked. Skylar turned to me. "I have no idea, but it still says that she's here in Cincinnati. The interesting thing is, she's not moving."

I gasped dramatically at that fact. What if she's hurt, or worse, dead!?

I pulled Skylar up from the chair by her wrist and urged her to go with me. "But, Mark! My parole!" She argued. I stopped moving and we just stood in the middle of the floor by the door. I was thinking while Skylar was containing a guilty look on her face.

"You know, I shouldn't have talked her into shooting up that party." She said guiltily. "Things would've been a lot better if I just didn't exist altogether." She added. I stamped my foot on the ground gently. "Sky..." I started. "You might've pointed a gun at me and a bunch of those party guests last year, but I still think that you existing means everything to me and especially (f/n)." I told her. "You were (f/n)'s first best girl friend. I was her first best guy friend. And right now, she needs us. We have to look for her, despite the circumstances. It's a life or death situation here and I'm sure your probation officer will understand." I felt like Martin Luther King Jr. giving that speech to Skylar.

She threw her arms up. "You know what? Fuck that parole officer! He can go suck a fat one like he always does." She leaned in toward my ear. "Because, you know, he's gay." she added with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes. "Good for him." I said as I held the door open for Skylar, making our way out.

Skylar was the first one to climb into the car. I scoped the neighborhood just to make sure I didn't see (f/n) running around. If I did see her, though, I'd grab her and make out with her right on the hood of the car, her being on the bottom. Wink wink.

We've been circling around (f/n)'s position for almost two and a half hours. The only think in sight was an abandoned building in the middle of the woods. The place looked very well sealed up, so I doubt (f/n) was able to go inside there, right?

Skylar yawned. "Maybe the signal was lying to us." she said tiredly. I nodded my head in agreement. "Technology can be stupid sometimes." I said back, still keeping my guard up. Skylar waved off the building in front of us. "I'm beat. Let's go home. We'll find her in the morning." I frowned my eyebrows at her. It was a little fucked up of her to just abandon the place when there's a chance that (f/n) was killed or something. But I can't be mad at her. She has a lot going on in her own life. Besides, she's tired!

"Okay, I'll drive you home." I told her. She got in the car with me and I drove off. Man, wherever she is, I hope to God that she's okay.


S.O.S. (Markiplier x Reader Fanfiction) P1B2Where stories live. Discover now