Chapter 24: The Hero Strikes Again!

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"You two are going to be alright. I promise." ~Unknown

~Skylar's POV~

My head's hurting more and more as I come closer to my destination. The only place that seems relevant enough was the park just down the road. The rains pouring down too hard for me to see clearly. Fog clouded my vision, and my pounding head isn't helping me much.

I sprinted down the road and saw my life flash before my eyes. This is it. This is where it's all going down. I can see what's going on, and I'm not going to take that lightly. I grabbed the nearest blunt object and planned a quick sneak attack.

~Your POV~

Khloe's gun is ready to fire through my cluttered head. She kept hesitating for some reason. I guess knowing that I want to die is making this experience less fun for her. "I'm going to do it." she warned me, feeling slightly nervous. I tapped my forehead. "Get me good, Khloe." I encouraged. She adjusted the gun in her hand and was about to pull the trigger.

Before anything was done to me, Khloe mysteriously fell forward on her face. I got surprised. What just happened to her? Did she pass out?

Behind Khloe, a dark figure revealed. The hair on the figure was all damp and dull looking from a distance. The figure walked closer to me, still holding something in its hands. It was Skylar.

I gasped for breath, realizing that I had stopped breathing. "Sky!" I called, running up to her to hug her. She threw the object on the ground and hugged me tightly. "(F/n)..." she said in my shoulder, almost ready to cry.

I broke from the hug. "How did you know?" I asked, crying heavily. She started crying, too. "My head started hurting me really bad, and that always means that something bad is happening." she explained. I hugged her again and continued to cry in her shoulder. "I thought you were going to die." Skylar admitted. I nodded my head slightly. "I told her to just do it." I said back.

Skylar broke the hug this time. "Why would you tell her to do something stupid like that? I'm nothing without you, man!" she said, almost getting angry. I shrugged my shoulders and let the rain wash away the remains of my tears. "Because, Kevin, Nikki, and Daniel hate me right now." I answered. She gave me a weird look. "Um, okay, I'm definitely missing something here. Let's talk about it for a minute." she said, leading me to a nearby bench.

We sat down and I told her everything that had happened here before Khloe showed up. "They called me heartless, and they were just bullying me in general just because I showed barely any emotion about Korey's death." I said. Skylar shook her head. "I know you well enough to know that you don't show any emotion at first when something like that happens." she said. I nodded my head. "At least someone does." I said, trying to smile.

"Those guys were jerks to you. They don't even know what happened to you!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air. I rubbed the raindrops out of my eyes. Skylar stared straight ahead apparently lost in thought or something. Occasionally, she shook her head slightly. "I can't believe that Jack-Off shot Korey like that." she said out of nowhere. I nodded my head. "It's so fucking tragic." I said under my breath.

Out of nowhere, Khloe shot up with the gun in her hand. I nudged Skylar roughly and had her look at her. "Ha! You thought that a petty little tree branch would knock me out for good? You guys are so fucking stupid." she said, pointing the loaded gun at us. We leaned back in our spots on the bench and held our hands out in surrender. "I'm sorry, Khloe!" I yelled. "I fucked up really bad! I know! I'll do anything to make it up to you!"

Before she said anything, Khloe somehow froze in place and eventually fell forward again. Another figure was shown behind her, and it obviously wasn't Skylar because she was right next to me.

A tall person walked toward us and put their gun away. "It's okay, girls. You're alright." a male voice said. The fog cleared up only slightly, and it turns out that it was our parole officer! He saved us!

He held our hands gently and took us home in his car.


short chapter, i know, but it's not over yet! there's one more chapter, and it won't be a happy ending this time... dun dun DUUUUUUUUNN

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