Chapter 18: Wake Up And Smell The Gift Of Life

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"Is he going to be alright, doctor?" I asked. The doctor didn't make any gestures. He just stood there with a blank look on his face." ~From your POV

~Your POV~

I heard the paramedics yell that they were losing him as they sprinted the stretcher down the long hallway. I was ready to run down there into the OR, as if it would save him.

Skylar grabbed me around the waist with both arms and suspended me to this particular spot. "Let me go! I want to save him!" I screamed. My Dad shot up and helped Skylar with me. "Honey, stop! It won't do any good!" he yelled over my screams. I pounded Skylar's hands, but she didn't resist. She just clung onto me as if her life depended on it. "Please, let me see him!" I yelled, welling up with tears.

"(F/n), stop!" Skylar yelled, getting irritated. Instead of trying anymore to break from her grip, I fell to my knees and started crying harder than ever.

My Dad knelt down next to me and rubbed my upper back. My hands were covering my eyes, and were being coated with my all too familiar tears. "I love him." I said behind my hands. My Dad frowned. "(F/n)-" I swatted Dad's arm away. "No! I don't want to hear any more of your bullshit, Dad! I fucking love him with all my dying heart, and there's nothing you can do about it!" I screamed. Dad looked pretty outraged by my immaturity, but the last time I checked, being honest is mature.

"You can't stop me from loving somebody, Dad!" I screamed, standing up. Dad stood up in front of me. He had the look of hurt in his eyes. "I've never felt this way with anybody! Not even that guy I met in my other school, and you thought he was perfect. Well, Mark's perfect, too! I always made him happy, and he made me happier." I was pacing the waiting room, just shouting out everything that came to mind.

I thought of something else. "If I were to rid you from your job, would you be happy!?" I screamed. "What if I, oh I don't know, asked your boss to fire you tomorrow, and she did it. Would that make you fucking happy!?" After getting no reaction from Dad, I stormed out of the waiting room and headed for the bathroom.

There was a latch lock on the inside of the bathroom. I locked the door and shut off a few of the lights. The mirrors were reflecting my sad ass face. Tears that I never knew I cried before were reddening my eyes and irritating the skin on my face. I wiped them away with a damp paper towel.

I threw the paper towel in the garbage and started punching and kicking the stalls. I screamed an ear-piercing scream as I almost broke the stall doors loose from their hinges.

In my backpack, I had a framed picture of me and Mark from one of our dates. I took the picture out from inside and threw the frame against one of the mirrors, breaking both the frame and the mirror at the same time. I stared at my broken reflection, which revealed how broken I really was on the inside. My whole body was breaking. My heart broke ages ago, my mind was breaking away from its usual state, and soon, my skin was going to be broken on my arms and legs. Who ever knew that broken things can combine and create someone so broken?

I picked up some of the broken pieces of the mirror and hid them in a pocket in my backpack along with the broken frame. I heard some knocking on the bathroom door, which made me fear for my life. "Why is this door locked?" someone said from the outside. I quickly ran and unlocked it. The door flew open.

I quickly came up with a bullshit story. It was one of the doctors. She looked a little worried. "Hey, sorry, I had to change my clothes and I didn't want anyone walking in on me." The doctor found my story believable, but then she glanced over at the broken mirror. She walked inside and observed it. I quickly came up with another lie. "That was broken when I first came in here." I said, frowning my eyebrows at the sight to make it more believable. She nodded her head and left the bathroom. "Stay away from the broken glass, miss." she said. I followed her out of the bathroom and headed outside. Dad and Skylar were still in the waiting room.

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