Chapter 11: Behind Closed Doors

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"I never knew I'd be hurting this bad...both physically and emotionally." ~Mark

~Your POV~

I got home from walking around with Skylar. My parents were probably out looking for me this whole time. Before I opened the door, I looked down the hallway toward Mark's apartment. I almost started to cry because I know he still loved me. I still love him, and I should've just kissed him when we hugged earlier. I'm such a fuck up.

Instead of coming home, I walked down the hall to Mark's apartment. He never minded me coming right in without knocking, and he always had his apartment unlocked for me.

I turned the knob only to find that it was locked. "What?" I said to myself. I turned it again in disbelief only to get the same result. "Mark?" I called as I continuously knocked on his door. I heard nothing at all. No voice, no sound, and no breaking of things just to open the door for me quicker.

I pressed my ear against the door only to hear running water. He's probably in the shower. "Mark..." I said as I cried a few tears. I walked away from his door and just headed home. My parents are probably expecting me.

My parents saw me come in and almost screamed. "(F/n)!" my parents screeched at the same time. They hugged me tightly, almost choking me to death. They let go of me at the same time. I was in tears when Mom was inspecting my face. "Oh, my God! What happened to you!?" she yelled in concern. My tears got heavier. "It was horrible! I was kidnapped by my own school principal and his daughter, Khloe!" I explained. They thought for a minute and couldn't believe it. "Khloe was the one bullying you last year, right?" Dad asked with a sad look on his face. I nodded my head. "So far this year, she was stalking me and Skylar everywhere we went. At school, the mall, the streets, everywhere!"

They looked like they were about to burst in anger and cry in sadness at the same time. They sat me down on the couch and had me explain everything that had happened so far. I told them everything that happened between the time where Khloe and Jackson stopped me and Skylar in the hallway to where Skylar hit them both over the head with a metal pipe. My Mom covered her mouth in surprise when I told her that Jackson was probably dead. Dad's eyebrows were frowned. "Well, I personally think he deserved it. After all, he told Khloe to shoot you." he said, agreeing with what Skylar did. I nodded my head. "Yeah, me too." I said back. "I still feel very guilty about it. What if I end up in jail again or something?" I asked. My parents shook their heads. "Honey, it was self defense, and they were about to murder you!" she said as she hugged me again.

Dad scooted closer to me. "The police will understand, honey." he said, also hugging me. I was crying with my parents for the next few minutes.

After the hug, I got up to go take a shower. I wanted to get all of this dirt and blood off of me. I looked in the mirror and remembered how my face looked like this last year when Khloe, Julianna, and Jade used to beat me up. I cried at my ugly reflection.

The scale was feet away. I stepped on it and noticed that I was back at one hundred-twenty pounds. I fell to my knees and started crying again. "Why can't the weight just stay on me?" I cried. I heard someone rushing to the bathroom. It was my Mom. "(F/n)?" she said behind the closed bathroom door. I told her she could come in after gathering myself together.

When she came inside, the tears were wiped away. Mom came in calmly and hugged me again. "Before you shower, I want to ask you something." she told me. She led me to my bedroom and sat me on my bed. The look on her face suggested that she wanted to have a serious talk with me. I felt scared.

"So the police were investigating this alleyway where they thought you might've been, and they saw a spray painting that said, Mark and (F/n) forever." she started. My heart jumped to my throat. I felt like I was choking now. She folded her hands over her lap. "Do Mark?"

Now was the time to let her know about him. I stood up from the bed and faced her. "No. I love him." I answered. She didn't seem very surprised by my answer. "I know I'm a little young for him, but I'm turning eighteen very soon, and he makes me happy. I love him with all my heart, but he doesn't love me back. Not anymore anyway." I started crying again. It's so easy for me to let out tears as it is for me to melt pounds off of my body.

I, again, fell to my knees and let out a series of tears. My Mom tried to help me up, but I refused to even look at her. I just stayed on the ground with my palms covering my eyes.

It took my Mom a few minutes to lift me up and bring me to the shower. "You'll feel better after a nice shower and a meal that I'll prepare for you." she said, smiled, and closed the door. My Mom's smile never fails to make me smile a little bit.

In the medicine cabinet, I saw a new pack of razors I use to shave my legs, and other parts. I took out a new one and started the shower up. I made the water hotter than the sun, and hopped in.

I took the plastic covering off of the razor part and instead of shaving my legs, I started shaving off my skin on my arms. Mark wouldve thought by now that I completely stopped doing this to myself after I got out of jail and intense therapy, but nope. Habits never go away.

~Mark's POV~

It's been over an hour since I've gone into the shower, and I don't plan on getting out for a little while. While I was in here, I started using my razor to make small cuts on my right arm. It's getting worse. I said in my head.

After another half an hour, I got out of the shower with tiny blood streams flowing from my fresh wounds. I still don't understand why I decided to do this. I was always trying to help my fans and (f/n) with these types of problems, but now I can't even help myself.

"No one can know about this." I said out loud as I slipped into a long sleeved shirt. The shirt was black and I put on a pair of black pajama pants. Instead of brushing my hair back like I always did, I decided to experiment and see if I can style my hair to be over one eye like (f/n)'s and Skylar's.

I blew-dried my hair and even used a straightener that I didn't know I had to straighten my hair over my eyes. The end result looked pretty cool. Maybe I should wear my hair like this all the time.

By the time I got myself decent looking, the cuts on my right arm started scabbing over, and the burn marks on my left arm faded only slightly. My mind was telling me to freshen them up, but my heart told me to leave them be. Of course, I chose to listen to my head. I walked back into my room and sat on my bedside. The barette and the lighter were sitting right next to each other on the end table. I picked them up and started the whole cycle again, cringing in pain each time.

~Your POV~

My cuts are deeper than they ever have been before. They weren't deep enough for me to have to go to the hospital, but I wish they were.

My Mom told the police earlier that I managed to escape the kidnappers by hitting them over the head with a nearby object, even though that's not completely true. She didn't even mention anything about Skylar. She also talked to my parole officer, but he already knew about what was going on and said he understood. Everything seemed to be under control now. Mom had to give the police the exact location of the building I was held hostage in. Hopefully, Jackson is still dead.

I am wearing a long sleeved shirt and a pair of dark blue pajama pants. I really wanted to visit Mark because both of my parents aren't home. That's what I decided to do. I don't care if I was angry at Mark for yelling at me. I fucking love him, and nothing now is going to stop me.

I walked out and headed to his apartment door. Just as I was about to knock, he came out right away. His new appearance startled me. I hardly recognized him. "Mark?" I asked, feeling scared for him. He had a sad look on his face, and his arms tingled in what it looked to be pain.


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