Chapter 5: She Won't Go Away

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"I feel my heart stopping as she approached me with her loaded gun in her right hand, pointed at me. Principal Jackson leaned in toward her left ear and whispered, "Shoot her." ~(F/n)

~Mark's POV~

I felt very awkward, knowing that Khloe interrupted us when (f/n) and I were inches away from having sex in my car. The second Khloe's face appeared through my window, my boner died.

Now, I'm recording a Let's Play video for my amazing fans. They don't know that I have a girlfriend, yet, but when (f/n) turns eighteen in January, they'll surely know.

The game I'm playing is nearing its end. There were a few small things I had to finish before I officially beat the game. "Okay, okay, I'm almost finished." I said to my webcam. I moved my character through a few doors until I found the exit. I forced my arms in the air as the screen said, "Congratulations! You finished the demo." "Yaaaaaaay!" I yelled. As the credts were being shown on the screen, I said my usual outro and turned the camera off. That game was very hard to beat and it took me most of the day.

The clock read two-thirty. In another hour, I had to get (f/n) from school, and possibly Skylar. Man, those two are so happy together. That's when I remembered that kiss Skylar gave (f/n) last week when she was released from jail. Was (f/n) lying when she said it didn't mean anything? I hope it wasn't because (f/n) was in love with Skylar...

I shook it off, knowing already that (f/n) prefers guys over girls despite her sexuality. I made myself a sandwich. When I chewed on the frst bite of my sandwich, it felt like an orgasm in my mouth because it was the first thing I had eaten all day. I swallowed after savoring the taste of my first meal for a moment.

For the next forty-five minutes, I replayed that MTV episode where Skylar and (f/n) shot up the party. I wasn't so sure why I was so interested in this particular episode. It was so hard to watch those two break down live like that. (F/n)'s face was so angry-looking. I could tell by her eyes that she wanted everyone there dead. Skylar obviously wanted that more because she actually fired her weapon. I watched as (f/n) walked over to Khloe and her friends. She ordered Khloe to get up and (f/n) dragged her to the camera. The camera shook a little bit, probably because the camera man was scared. I mean, I would be too if I was at risk of dying like that.

Khloe made her promise to leave everyone alone. But if she promised that, why did she pull that stunt this morning at my car? Is something going on that I don't know about?

~Your POV~

The bell for dismissal finally went off and I stormed out of the school, meeting up with Skylar outside. She was doing something on her phone as she waited for me.

I stood in front of her and she looked at me. "Hey, (f/n)." she said gently. I breathed in, and breathed out. "Hey." I said, trying to hold back tears from what happened earlier. Skylar pulled me in for a hug just as I saw a car pull up in front of us. "Don't worry about what happened today." she said as she broke the hug. I nodded my head and noticed that Mark had his window rolled down. Skylar and I approached his car. Mark looked suspicious. "What did happen today?" Mark said as he looked at both me and Skylar. I frowned my eyebrows in confusion and looked at Skylar. "Nothing." I said with a straight face.

Mark wasn't at all convinced. He ordered me to get in the car. "I'll see you later." I called as Skylar walked away. I closed the door and Mark rolled up his window. "No, don't give me that bullshit." he said angrily. I was even more flustered now. Why is he so mad?

"Mark, nothing happened today, I swear." I told him again. Mark looked like he was going to lose it. I held his hands and massaged them in an attempt to calm him down. "You know, I knew I shouldn't have went out with a kid like you." he growled. What is he talking about!? I let go of his hands slowly and just looked at him. "Mark-" He cut me off.

S.O.S. (Markiplier x Reader Fanfiction) P1B2Where stories live. Discover now