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In Raisinghania mansion

Ishani: Wow!  Bhai,  you hit a sixer without informing me. Not fair! Let me see who is the lucky girl.

Vansh: Come in my room,  Ishani.  I have something to show you.

Vansh, Ishani and Angre then moves to Vansh's lavish bedroom.  No one has the permission to enter his room without his permission.  Vansh has a habit to paint in his free time ( just like Riddhima and he is a better painter than her) A canvas is there in the room.

Ishani(seeing the canvas): Bhai! You made a painting again. Let me see what have you made.

Seeing the painting,  Ishani gets shocked.

Vansh: Ishani,  you didn’t tell me how is she. 

Ishani:  Bhai, Actually........

Vansh:Is there something wrong?  Why are you stammering?

Ishani: Actually I know this girl.

Hearing Ishani both Angre and Vansh become shocked as they didn’t find any connection of Riddhima and Ishani from before.

Vansh: Ishani, how do you know her? As far as I remember,  you have never been to New Zealand.

Ishani:Bh-Bhai, woh actually...

Vansh:Stop stammering and just tell.

Ishani:Actually, I met her in Sweden. Do you remember I went on a Europe tour with my friends last year?

Vansh: Yeah I remember how you emotionally blackmailed dad to give you permission. But the question still remains the same. How did you meet her?

Ishani:  I wanted to spend sometime alone. So, I decided to roam there hiding my face  with a scarf. Then -

Vansh: Then what?

Ishani: Some boys were misbehaving with me.

Hearing this, Vansh's blood began to boil.

Vansh: Ishani, didn’t you find it important to tell me. It wouldn’t take me a minute to kill them.

Ishani: This is the reason I was not willing to tell you. You know well how much I hate violence but still you are talking about this.

Vansh: Okay!  I am sorry. Happy?

Ishani : Yeah!

Vansh:Now, would you please continue the story?

Ishani: I was then walking faster and so were they. Suddenly a bike came with full speed.  I was more scared as I thought that the person to be a member of their gang. But thank god! I was wrong. The person got down from the bike and removed the helmet. It was a girl in her early twenties. It’s none other than this girl.

Both Vansh and Angre were shell shocked hearing this.

Angre: Then what happened?

Flashback :

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