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An Audi was being  chased by three cars, a black BMW and two Ford Mustang in Bulgaria. It was run chase between two of the famous underworld mafias of Europe,  The Raisinghania and The Sharma. The Raisinghanias and the Sharmas are rival mafia families. The informer of the Sharma was being chased by the Raisinghania.

The Audi was quite far from the cars.  Suddenly the BMW which was behind the Audi stopped hearing the scream of a young girl. The girl fell on the side of a ride and a painting was found crushed under the tyre. Seeing the BMW stopped, the other two cars also stopped.  Then a long,tall and handsome man came out of the car(He is none other than the great Vansh Raisinghania).  Seeing him coming out of the car, the others also stepped out of the car. The others stood at a distance and was waiting for his next order.

Vansh: Excuse me, miss. Are you okay?

Girl : You are not excused.

Vansh: Sorry?

(Angre was about to intervene but Vansh signalled him to keep quiet)

Girl: After almost killing me with your reckless driving,  you are now asking me if I am okay. Oh! Forgot that  you are a spoilt brat.  Your dad is always there to fulfill your needs, right? He might have also fulfilled your demands.  After killing people with your driving,  you will get bail soon. Am I right,  Mr.Spoilt brat? You know because of you rich brats' reckless driving, we common people have to suffer.  Because of you, my painting got ruined (pointing at the crushed painting).  It took me 3 days to complete it and you took a few seconds to destroy it. After all this,  you are asking me if I am okay??!!  You know what-

Vansh: Please calm down and take a breath now.  You are speaking continuously with breathing.  Angre, bring water for her.

Angre was a bit shocked seeing Vanshbs calm reaction.  The Vansh Raisinghania would never let the person leave alive who dared to answer him back. And here Vansh was caring for the person who was arguing with him a while ago.

Girl: Are you blind, Mr.Spoilt brat? Can't you see that I need to get up? Give me your hand now to get up.

Vansh was literally shocked by the girl's  way of speaking and so were others. Vansh was equally amazed by the girl's attitude and beauty.

Vansh : Sorry, I didn’t notice( Saying this he pulls her up)

Girl : Look Mr.Spoilt brat,  this time I am sparing you but next time luck won't be in favour of you. So be careful while driving.

Vansh: Miss?

Girl: What???

Vansh: Can I know your name?

Girl: Whatever!! (Saying this the girl goes away from there)

Everyone present there was shocked by the girl's attitude.  The thing which was more shocking to everyone was Vansh's calm look. They were tensed because they missed to catch the informer because of the accident.

Vansh: Interesting very interesting (spoke with attitude).  Miss Whatever, be ready to meet Vansh Raisinghania soon.

Angre: Boss, if you want then we can do the same treatment with the girl what we do with others

Vansh: Nahh!  Angre,  don’t you dare to do  something like that. This girl is special. Find about her.

Angre: Ok Boss.

Then the cars left the place and started for their destination.  The cars reached their destination soon "The Raisinghania Mansion".

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