Chater- 12

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The Next day

Vansh: Please Kabir don’t run. Don’t force me to shoot you.

Kabir : I am sorry Vansh.  I don't have any other way. I am helpless here.  If possible then forgive me.

Kabir gets shot in the back. He falls down.

Vansh(screams) : Kabiiiiirrrrrr!!!!!

Vansh wakes up from his sleep.  It was the one of the worst chapter in his life.

Vansh(sweating) : I know I  didn't shoot him. Kabir, you need to come out of coma now. I can't handle it anymore.

In Riddhima and Sejal's residence

Riddhima: Sejal,  wake up!

Sejal: Ridhu, I am tired after sleeping whole night. Let me take some rest.

Riddhima: Nothing can be done with this girl.

Riddhima brings a jug of water and throws the water on Sejal.

Sejal: Bappa! Save me. I am drowning.  This ocean will swallow me.

Riddhima then pulls Sejal by hand.

Sejal: Oh God!  I am in my room.  I am alive. Wait a minute. There is jug in your hand. It means that you threw water on me.

Riddhima: Yes, I did it to take you away from your dreamy world. Today is Ayan bhai's birthday. Go and wish him.

Sejal : I didn’t forgive him.  He could have saved Kabir bhai. He failed to do that. He also didn’t forbid you to join that dangerous world. Now you expect me to forgive him?

Riddhima : I have told you thousands of times that it was my own wish to join  this world. Nobody pressurized  me to join this world . Ayan bhai is your elder brother.  Whenever  you did any mistake, he forgave you. If you do any kind of misbehavior tonight then I will break all my ties with you. You just wish him happy birthday and be with his side in the party tonight.

Sejal: I am just doing all of this because of you. Tell him not to expect that I will forgive him.

Riddhima: Don’t be rude to him today. It's his birthday and he is celebrating with his birthday  after five years. I want this birthday to be a memorable one.

Sejal: Okay!

Riddhima was arranging the breakfast on the table.  Sejal then came out of her room.  Ayan's face was making it clear that he wants Sejal to wish him but he was sure that she won’t.

Sejal(with a blank face): Happy Birthday!

Ayan(with tears in his eyes) : Thanks

Riddhima: Bhai, look I have made my special black coffee and pancakes  for you.

Ayan: My sweetheart has grown up.

Riddhima: Indeed Bhai.

Sejal: Have you prepared everything for today’s party? Vihaan and his sister will come as far as I know.  Whom else did you invite?

Riddhima : I have also invited Prerna, Anurag, Zoya and Aditya.

Sejal: Really? You have invited them also. I am so happy (saying this she hugs Riddhima)

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