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Next morning

Riddhima was still sleeping due to the effect of sleeping pills. Ayan was also sleeping. Sejal sneakingly went out of the house to meet Vansh. She had fire in her for the first time. When matter comes to our close ones, one can't control her emotions. Same happened with Sejal. She couldn't see her Riddhima breaking anymore. It was time for her to take a step.

In the park

Sejal had already there. She is always late everywhere to come but probably for Riddhima, she took a new avatar. She was moving to and fro waiting for Vansh. She was biting her nails in tension. Suddenly someone tapped her shoulder from behind. Sejal turned back and she found Vansh standing there. Seeing Vansh there, her eyes had got a new hope.

Vansh: Seju, did anything happen?

Sejal: Can... Can we sit and talk?

Vansh nodded in the positive and then both of them sat in a bench to talk.

Vansh(puts Sejal's hand in his to ensure that she has got the courage to speak): Now, tell me what happened?

Sejal: Look Vihu, I don't even know if I am doing right or wrong by telling you all this. My conscience asked me to ask your help as you are the only person who can help me now.

Vansh: Seju, look tell me everything without any hesitation.

Sejal: Did you ever see Riddhima smiling wholeheartedly?

Vansh: No, she smiles but it is not from her heart. It's just for the sake of courtesy and formality.

Sejal: None other than some persons knows it. There was a person who used to be the lifeline of Riddhima. After his death, Riddhima has completely changed herself. She isn't the Riddhima she used to be once. I only kept quiet after knowing your truth so that Riddhima can at least be away from that pain. But I was wrong. She was being  more desperate for her revenge.

Vansh: I know all of these

Sejal: What? You know the  reason behind Riddhima's condition?

Vansh: I meant I know that something is always pricking her heart.

Sejal: You are right

Vansh: Yesterday, did something happen?

Sejal: Not something, a lot of things happened.

Sejal then starts telling Vansh about what madness Riddhima did yesterday. Vansh started to feel guilty after listening her words. He wanted to tell the truth but he knew it well it was not the right time. Any wrong step can ruin everything. He knew it well that even if Riddhima sees Kabir now, she may not believe in Vansh. The hatred of so many  years cannot be finished so soon, right? Only when Kabir regains sense, it would be appropriate for Riddhima to know the truth.

Sejal: I couldn’t see her broken. I thought a lot. I don’t know why she said that why she said that your deception gave her pain when it was not deception. You just hid your real name from her. It's not a big deal. She sometimes become too much sensitive. Your entry in her life may remind her about the deception which you did by hiding your real identity. But that pain is nothing compared to the pain she is bearing now. I want you to return in her life. I am sounding selfish maybe as I was the one who told you that I can't help you anymore. Yes, I am selfish when it comes to Riddhima. I.. I just cannot see her breaking like this.

Vansh: Sejal, do you think that I will give up so easily? I never left her even when she intended to leave. I didn’t accompany her to leave her. And you are not selfish! I know it well how much you love her. You just have to do one work for me. You have to bring Riddhima anyhow in Anurag and Prerna's engagement tonight.

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