Chapter -6

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In the Sharma mansion

Raj: Is the work complete which I assigned you?

Aryan: Yes, dad. I did it.

Raj: I hope you did it without any mistake.

Aryan: Dad, you should have some faith on me. You always assign that 'AR' with important works. Sometimes I feel that I am not even your own son.

Raj: You are right.

Aryan: What??!!

Raj: You heard it right. You can't be my son. If you were my son then you should have done something big by now. Just see how that Ajay's son is expanding his empire. And here my son is busy enjoying his dad's money.

Aryan: Dad, you never gave me the chance to prove myself.

Raj:Those who want to prove themselves never look for chances. I am not a fool to give you the permission to lead. If you leaded the team then we would have lost tha deal. Only 'AR' has the ability to win a losing deal

Aryan (in mind): I won't spare you 'AR'. Because of you, I have to hear dad's taunt.

A month passes. In this whole month Vansh was trying his level best to increase the depth of friendship and he was being successful somehow. Riddhima shifted to a rented house with Sejal. Sejal gave Vansh the new address and asked him to gave a surprise visit to them.

Riddhima: You and here?

Vansh/Vihaan : Yeah! I wanted to give you guys some company and also wanted to invite you guys for dinner on Sunday.

Riddhima: Ok, we will come.

Vansh/ Vihaan: Won't you ask a guest to come in?

Riddhima : Oh sorry! I didn't notice. Come in.

Vansh comes inside the house and Riddhima closes the door. She suddenly remembers something and she rushes to close the laptop which she left open. She quickly comes and closes the laptop shocking Vansh.

Vansh/Vihaan: Wow! I didn't know you are as fast as Flash.What's so special in this laptop? Don't tell me that you were planning to hack something.

Riddhima (sweating) : Why would I do something like that? I was seeing some photographs which I don't allow anyone to see not even Seju.

Vansh/Vihaan: Oh god! While talking with you, I forgot about her. Where is she?

Riddhima: She has gone to buy groceries. She will be back soon.

Vansh/Vihaan: Ohh!

Riddhima : Let me bring coffee for you.

After sometime, Riddhima comes with two cups of coffee. In one cup was cappuccino and in the other one was black coffee. Riddhima kept the tray on table. Vansh /Vihaan was then about to take the cappuccino but he didn't. Instead of cappuccino, he took the black coffee in hand.

Riddhima : Vihaan, you won't be able to take the black coffee.

Vansh/Vihaan: I love black coffee more.

Riddhima : I made this black coffee according to my taste. It's taste is not like any normal black one. For your betterment, I am telling.

Vansh/Vihaan: I love taking risks. So I will take this one.

Riddhima: Okay! As your wish. But don't tell me that I didn't warn you before.

Vansh/Vihaan: I won't (Saying thks he takes a sip and his smiling face turns into a blank one)

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