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Author's note:  TSA is back again with an update. I  hope I am not much late.  The target for the next episode is 60 votes. Next episode will uploaded only after the target gets fulfilled. 

Riddhima: Just answer me. Was all your care and affection fake? Was all your care just a facade? Answer me. Did you take the bullet for me? Was the bullet a part of your plan ? To make me feel guilty?

Vansh: No, it was not. The bullet was never a part of my plan. It was that bloody Aryan who planned that. Every moment I spent was one of the best moment of my life. Your angry face became my obsession. As while being angry, I could see the real you. You have been always a mystery which I wanted to solve. There was  always a pain behind your smile which was always noticed by you. I had the remedy of it but that wasn’t the right time (saying this he hugs her)

Riddhima(breaking the hug): You didn’t tell me the truth that time as you felt that wasn’t the right for me to know the truth. But it’s not the right time for me to know the truth. Can my hatred of so many years change suddenly? Will the time come back when I was dying in the pain of losing my brother? Can you change the time when my heart had to cry out loud or when my I was dying to take revenge?  No! You can't change that time. I lost so many years of my life only by running something which was never justified.

Vansh: Please calm down and listen to me.

Riddhima: What is left there to listen?

Vansh: My love for you

Riddhima: Oh! It's your love because of which you let me endure the pain alone. It’s your love which kept me away from my brother for so many years. Your love is nothing but a poison which kept me in the darkness of revenge all these years.

Vansh: I never intended to fell in love with you. I.. I just don’t know how by staying with you I fell in love with you. I always wanted to discover your mystery. You were always  a puzzle for me which I wanted to solve. None had the guts to challenge me like you did. Your pain was visible in everything. (Saying this he wipes Riddhima's tears)

Riddhima: Your love has got no meaning in my life. It was, is and will always be a symbol of betrayal for me. Your love was the one who helped me to destroy myself (she starts walking backwards)  Your love was the one who kept in darkness. You will never get me. I will go away from your sight for forever. (She disappears in the darkness)

Vansh: No!!!

Angre: Boss, did anything happen?

Vansh: Nothing 

Vansh(in mind) : From when did I start day dreaming? That too a dramatic one like this? Vansh relax! You know it well that you don’t love Riddhima. You just care for her. Care and love are two different things (But love comes from care 😉) Riddhima and I are never destined to be together.

In Riddhima's room

Pieces of glass were lying in the floor. Blood was coming from Riddhima's hand. She was sitting holding the bed with all her hair messed up. Her eyes were swelled up due to continuous crying.

Sejal was completely shocked after seeing Riddhima in this condition. After Kabir's death, she is seeing Riddhima in this condition for the second time. Sejal froze at her position. Ayan understood well the reason behind Riddhima's condition. He knew it well that Riddhima would be broken when she will hear that the deal of Switzerland is postponed as her planning of all these years will be at danger. It was out of his imagination that Riddhima will react in this way.

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