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Author's note: I know I was supposed to upload on 14 but decided to upload it two days earlier as I finished it writing . So, I published  it  a little earlier. I have completed 65% of the next update. It will be published as soon as I get 60+ votes.

There are some things which I would like to share with you. The first thing is that this story will have more three episodes. After that this ff will end. Rrahul sir answered my question which I asked him during his live. It meant so much. Help me to select one the following for the next book:

1)Romantic Drama

2)Romantic thriller

Both of them will be completed within 15 chapters. I have thing to ask. Should I add a epilogue?

In VR mansion

Vansh was looking at a photo frame with a smile. It was Pipo, the dog which used to roam around Kabir and Vansh all the time. It had died a few days later after Kabir's accident.

Vansh: Pipo, Kabbu is going to be alright again. Do you know how much he has disturbed me by staying quiet all these years. I am going to take l revenge from him by not talking to him.

Vansh then receives a call.

Vansh (over phone):What? Really? Send me a video of it.

Vansh: Kabbu, I am coming with your sister to meet you.

In Riddhima's room

Riddhima: Ahh! My head is paining

She then switches on the phone and finds that it is 7 am.

Riddhima: How can I sleep for almost 12 hours? Moreover my head is also paining.

Sejal: Don't think so much I had mixed sleeping pills in your water so that you can take rest.

Riddhima was a little shocked hearing that Sejal had mixed sleeping pills in her water

Riddhima: What?

Sejal: I did what I felt right. You were behaving like a psycho. I found that taking rest would be the best thing. Now you can scold me as much as you want as it has been long since you scolded me.

Riddhima(smiling a little bit): You did the right thing. You are behaving too much mature now. I doubt if you are my Sejal or not.

Sejal: There is only one Sejal in the whole world.

Riddhima: Right!  Where is Ayan bhai?

Sejal: He is in his room. He has been in his room from morning.

Riddhima: Okay

Sejal: I am going to serve the breakfast on the table. Come soon.

Sejal then leaves from the room.

Riddhima: I can't leave the matter to anyone else. How can I be so stupid to do that things yesterday? No! No!  I can't fall so weak. I need to think of an alternative now. I won't let him live any longer. His countdown had begun much earlier. Now I won’t  kill slowly. There will be direct shootout now. Seeing him alive each moment is hurt me. He isn’t needed anymore now here. He has to go to God to answer Kabir Bhai how he could betray him in the name of friendship.


An wounded Kabir is seen in the cliff.  With great difficulty, he is seen picking up his phone. He starts dialing Ayan Goenka's number. Ayan wasn’t answering his call. He then started calling Riddhima/Ahana.

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