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In Riddhima's Residence

It was night. Sejal just came home and Ayan opened the door.

Sejal: Where is Riddhima?

Ayan: She is in her room. She said that she wanted to spend sometime alone.

Sejal: Ok

Ayan: You shouldn’t have lied to her.

Sejal: I did what I felt right at that time.(saying this she goes from there)

In the patient room

Vansh: Angre, when will I be discharged?

Angre: Boss within two days.

Vansh: I will lead the deal of Switzerland. 

Angre: Boss, it’s not appropriate for you to go there in this condition.

Vansh: I will go there and don't worry about my condition. Tell me about dad's whereabouts.

Angre: Sir is in such area where there is no network. It's kind of advantage for the time being. But later when he comes to know about all of this, you have to answer a lot of questions.

Vansh: Don’t worry I will handle it. Give me my phone.

Angre: Here it is.

Vansh: You can go now. One more thing from tomorrow I won't go for the event management course.

Angre: Okay boss.(saying this he goes away from there)

Vansh: Sweetheart, don't worry you will forgive me soon. Now let me pass my time by sending messages to AR.

Vansh sends a message :  Hi dear enemy!  Are you there?

In Riddhima's residence

Riddhima was trying hard to sleep but she was not able to sleep.  Suddenly she gets a message in her private number.  It's message from Vansh Raisinghania.

Riddhima's Pov : Vansh is being too eager to meet me. Don’t worry Vansh. You are going to meet me soon.

The message conversation

Vansh : Hi dear enemy! Are you there?

Riddhima: Are you serious?

Vansh: Is there anything wrong?

Riddhima: Mr.Coward Raisinghania is chatting inspite of getting shocked today🤨

Vansh: What to do? I was getting bored. But then I thought that I can spend some with my dear enemy.  You might be feeling happy, right? Today you are either happy or sad. You are happy because I got shot and sad as I was saved.

Riddhima: You are right Mr.Vansh Raisinghania.  Today I am both happy and sad at the same time.  I am sad as I couldn’t shoot. I missed the most awaited moment. I am as you got saved. God doesn’t want anyone else to kill you. Your death is written by my hand. None change it even God can't.

Vansh: Looks like you are an atheist. By the way, don’t worry I won't die without having a confrontation with you.

Riddhima: I don’t believe in God as he is the one who snatched my precious think.  Forget all of this, I have heard that your ladylove has broken all her ties with you. I guess she did right by leaving you.

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