Chapter- 5

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Author's Note: Thanks a lot for showering so much love on my ff. I didn’t expect such  response for my first ff. Chapter -5 and Chapter -6 will be full of Riansh's nok-jhok. I will continue with thriller again from Chapter-7.

In Raisinghania mansion

Vansh: Do one thing. Tell him that I want to go on a break.

Angre: I don't think sir would allow you to take a break when the enemy has got a strong player.

Vansh: He would. I know my dad well.

Angre: Ok, boss. I will inform him.

Vansh: Now let me sleep.

Angre: Ok, boss.

The next day

In the University

Sejal was standing alone while Riddhima was in the canteen. Seeing Sejal alone Vansh approached her.

Vansh/Vihaan: Hey Sejal!

Sejal(with a smile): Hi Vihaan!

Vansh/Vihaan: Why are you standing alone? Where is your angry bird?

Sejal: What?Angry bird?

Vansh/Vihaan: Oops! Sorry! I mean your best friend Riddhima.

Sejal(with a serious tone): Shall I tell her that you called her 'Angry Bird'?

Vansh/Vihaan: You know what God created some people with many talents like me. One of my talents is that I can read faces.

Sejal: So, what is my face telling you?

Vansh/Vihaan: That you are enjoying my humour and you want to laugh but you are scared if she sees it then she won't spare you. Am I right or am I right?

Sejal (bursting into laughter) : You are unbelievable!!

Vansh/Vihaan: I can see that you can laugh. But couldn't you teach your best friend? Always anger on the face. Looks like an ice slab won't take a minute to melt if it's kept on her head.

They both were laughing but suddenly they stopped laughing seeing Riddhima coming.

Vansh/Vihaan: Hi Riddhima!

Riddhima(faking a smile): Hi! By the way, why were you guys laughing?

Sejal: Nothing special. We were just taking about angry bird.

Riddhima : I am not a Kindergarten student who will believe anything you say. So just tell me what you were saying without creating a scene.

Sejal: Voh... Actually.....

Vansh/Vihaan: Riddhima, did you have your breakfast or you skipped it?

Riddhima: It’s none of your concern actually.  But for you kind information I never miss my breakfast.

Vansh/Vihaan:I actually heard that many girls are doing diet now a days so that they lose weight.

Riddhima : They do but it doesn’t mean I will do too. I love myself the way I am.

Vansh/Vihaan(murmurs) : That's why you are so special.

Riddhima :  You know Vihaan,  you have got a talent in diverting topics. But you forgot that it’s not so easy to fool me. So just tell me why both were laughing and stopped seeing me coming.

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