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Anurag: How can you be so careless Ridhu?

Zoya: You should have been careful.

Prerna: You guys scold her later. Sejal, you go and bring cool water in a bowl.

Sejal goes and brings it.

Zoya: You keep your hand in this. You will feel better.

Riddhima keeps her hand in the bowl and after sometime she takes out her hand away from it. Vansh/Vihaan and Sejal bandages her hand.

Ishani: How did this accident happen?

Riddhima: Actually I was feeling a little exhausted. I wanted to have some black coffee. While pouring the hot water my the flask slipped from my hand and you all know what happened after that.

Sejal's POV:I don't know why but I am feeling something strange. This type of accident never occurred before. Maybe I  am over thinking.

Riddhima's POV : Thank god!  I had listened their conversation. Otherwise Sejal would have known that I want to destroy Vansh. Seeing Sejal's reaction,  Vansh would have been sure that Sejal knows AR.

Ayan's POV: Something is fishy. I need to ask her.

Vansh/Vihaan:This black coffee became the reason of your pain at las

Riddhima: I am in no mood of joke now.

Zoya: Riddhima, you should take rest now. Guys it is becoming late. We should go for our home now or else we will be late.

Prerna: You are right now.

All of them started their journey for their home.

In a secret hideout

Aryan: This is the person you need to shoot. And be careful this person is not any ordinary person. Whatever you have to do, you have to do it quickly. If you get caught by mistake or if that person is alive then that day is going to be your last day.

Person : Don’t worry I am going to kill her tomorrow.

After a few hours

In Sejal and Riddhima's residence

It was late at night. Sejal was sleeping.  Riddhima and Ayan were in the living room.

Ayan: I knew it you did it deliberately.

Riddhima: Sometimes to protect oneself from big problems, one has to et small wounds.

Ayan: Is it hurting?

Riddhima: Such small wounds doesn’t give pain anymore.

Ayan: Sweetheart, I have got information that Raj uncle has decided that you would be the one to lead for the Switzerland project.  I have heard that he had some argument with Aryan regarding it.

Riddhima: That good for nothing Aryan is only good at arguments.

Ayan: Don’t underestimate anyone. You can't say clearly who can backstab you anytime.

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