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Sejal : How can you say this thing so casually? Vansh is murderer! He has killed bhai. When didn't you guys bothered to tell me the truth? Kabir Bhai's murderer was along with us all the while. And I am knowing it now.

Ayan Goenka (shouts): Vansh is not Kabir's murderer. Kabir is alive only because of Vansh

Sejal: What?!

Aryan then starts explaining everything to Sejal. Sejal was teary eyed listening to every incident. She wasn't able to believe that all these years everyone was in a living in a web of lies. She broke all her ties with her brothers for a reason which was never justified. She wasn't able to look into Ayan's eye after hearing all this.

Suddenly someone rang the bell of the house and Ayan goes to open keeping Sejal alone in the room. Tears were coming down from Sejal's eyes without any expression from her face.

Ayan gets shocked after opening the door. It was the person whom he never expected to come.

Ayan Goenka: You?

Aryan (smirks): Won't you welcome your bro?

Ayan Goenka: Why the hell have you come here?

Aryan: Why are you getting so angry bro? Can't I come to meet my little sister  and elder brother?

Hearing Aryan's voice, Sejal comes out of the room.

Aryan: Hey Seju! Won’t you take blessings from your elder brother? Touch my feet and ask for some brain as blessing.

Ayan Goenka: Why have you come here?

Aryan: Of course!  Bro, I have come to take your interview.

Ayan Goenka : So, Mr.Ayan Goenka, how are you feeling after knowing my truth?  Quite interesting, right?

Sejal: You..  you shameless creature

Aryan : Shhh Seju! Who calls her brother shameless? Looks like you have forgotten your manners. Bad, very bad. By the way, Ayan you didn’t tell me how you felt after knowing that I was behind your Kabir's accident. Must be shocked, right? The one who gave you this information has already gone to God. Now it’s your turn (saying this Aryan brings out his gun but Ayan was fast enough to throw that far.)

A physical fight broke out between those two. Sejal was panicking standing at a distance. In one point of the fight, Aryan over powered Ayan and Aryan was about to shoot Ayan with the other gun but before he could do that someone else shot Aryan on his back. Both Aryan and Ayan were shocked seeing Sejal shooting Aryan.

Sejal: I...I...I...

Aryan: You......(Aryan breathes his last)

Sejal (panicking): I... didn’t... mean... to... I..... wanted .... to shoot...legs.....not... back

Ayan (after understanding Sejal's condition): Calm down! You didn’t mean to shot him on the back.It was just unintentional.

Sejal: No, I.... Killed....  I  killed.....

Ayan starts pacifying Sejal that she didn’t kill Aryan while Aryan's lifeless body was on the floor.

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