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Author's note : Guys I am much confused. I need your opinion if you want comedy more or thriller. It would be helpful for me if you tell me your opinion. I wanted to give a long episode but I didn’t give it intentionally as you guys didn't complete my target. Target for this episode -50 votes.

Sejal didn’t smile for a moment after Ayan came. Looks like she was waiting for some sort of confrontation.  Soon after the class ended,  Sejal went home alone. She didn’t even wait for Riddhima.  Ayan and Riddhima knew that she has not forgotten the incident. Riddhima and Atan too went to the home after the class. Vansh noticed all of this and his suspicion was growing.

In Riddhima and Sejal's residence

Riddhima: Sejal, you shouldn’t have come like this.

Sejal: Come on Riddhima. No one is here.  So better we don’t hide anything.  I just want to know why this man is here.

Riddhima: You can't talk to him like this. He is your elder brother.

Sejal: He was the one who couldn’t protect him.

Riddhima: How much more will you accuse him? Whatever happened was not his fault.

Ayan: I know you don’t to see my face but I have come here for my other sister as she needs me.(I will clear everything later on)

Sejal: So you have come here for your business again.

Riddhima was about to say something but Ayan indicates her to let Sejal speak.

Sejal: I better not say anything.  My opinions never mattered. (Saying this she lefts from there)

Riddhima : Bhai, don’t mind her words.  She is still immature.

Ayan: Somehow I feel that I am also responsible for that. I shouldn’t have allowed you to join this world.

Riddhima: Bhai, it was my own choice. I think this is the thing which makes me feel complete.

Ayan: Sweetheart,  I think that Vansh is in madly in love with you.

Riddhima: The deeper the love is, the  deeper is the pain of betrayal.

Ayan: I know sweetheart bit I fear that you are.developing a soft corner for Vansh. That's why I want you to wrap this soon.

Riddhima: Don’t worry bhai. I know how to control my emotions. And I am in the category of those people who think from brain.

Ayan: I know it, sweetheart.  I have full faith on you.

Riddhima: Tonight he is going to get a small message.

Ayan: Your habit of playing with the enemies won’t go so soon.

Riddhima(with a smirk): A hunter is bound to get fun playing with his enemies.

In Raisinghania mansion

Ishani: Bhai, what are you searching for?

Vansh: You won't understand.  I am searching for a picture.

Ishani(in mind) : God knows what that picture has.  Bhai has been searching for it for more than 1 hour.

Vansh:  So found it last. I knew it. Old habits die hard.

Ishani : Bhai, can I also see this picture?

Vansh: No, Ishani. Not now. I will show it to everyone when the right time comes.

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