30: Defend

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Selene's POV

It's a new day and I'm done preparing for school. I took a deep breath in front of my full body mirror and smiled. I'm ready to slay the day! 

I grabbed my bag and headed toward my door. When I opened it, I almost stepped on something. I looked down and saw a small baby blue box. I furrowed my brows. Who leaves this here? 

I picked it up and saw a small rolled paper attached to it. I unroll it and read whatever was in it. 

Roses are red

My face is too

That only happens when I'm around you

- KEM 

I blinked numerous times, who the heck is KEM?! Is this even a real name? Or a code name? 

I opened the box and my eyes immediately sparkled and I started to drool. Macarons...Six of them! I looked left and right to check if that 'KEM' was still around. But nobody's here. 

I looked back at the box. There are only a few people outside my family who knew I love these. Few as in not greater than 5. 

Still confused, I walked towards the elevator. I carried the box with me. Maybe one of my classmates gave it to me. Kaminari, maybe? Or...what if it was...Mineta?!! 

I shook my head vigorously. I felt goosebumps just thinking about it. 

"Oh, hey Selene!" I heard Rehan say as he waved at me. I smiled at him. "Ohayo!" 

He stopped in front of me, his eyes were on the box I'm holding. "Is it too early for that?" he asked. 

"Well, yeah it is. Did you get this for me?" I asked, Rehan was one of the people I was talking about. 

"What? No, why?" he looked confused. I showed him the letter from the sender. 

His brows furrowed, "Who's KEM? Your secret admirer?" He asked, intrigued. I rolled my eyes. 

"I don't know! I just found this in front of my door. I don't even know someone whose name is Kem!" 

Wait...What if these macarons have poison in them?!

I quickly took one and placed it in front of his mouth, "Quick! Take a bite!" 

He looked so confused, "What? Why?!" 

"Just take a bite!!" 

He was hesitant at first but he eventually took a bite. "So, do you feel anything?" I asked. 

"It's sweet, tastes delicious." he then glared at me, "did you just do that to check if it has a poison?" 

I nodded. 

He exaggeratedly gasped with a matching hand on his chest, "Wow, I know I swore to your father that I will protect you, but this is way off the line! What if there's really poison in there?! I could've died, Selene!" He complained dramatically. Pft, drama king. 

"But you didn't. Thanks! Here you can have it!" I chirped and walked away. I'm gonna save the rest for later. Whoever gave this to me...he or she is an angel! I've been craving this! 


We're currently training and working our ass off. Provisional Hero License is drawing near. Aizawa-sensei told us to work on at least two of our own signature special/ultimate moves using our quirks. We must make sure that this certain move could lead us to a certain victory. This will provide an advantage to us in hopes of winning the battle. 

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