15: Talk

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Selene's POV

We had the best dinner we've ever had, well--sort of since were famishing after that fight with those beasts. Gosh, I feel like I haven't eaten in decades!

After we had our dinner we went to the hot spring to relax, it was fun! Though Mineta, the jerk, got into action again, good thing Kota refrained him from crossing the wall that separates our spring from the boys. Unfortunately, the boy fell down due to his surprise to see us, I guess. I heard Midoriya caught him. Thank goodness for that. 

Well then, it's time to get some sleep! 

I went through my stuff to get my sleeping pills. "Oh? Where is it?" It's not here! Oh, geez! I can't sleep without those!! 

I nervously rummage my bag and took almost all of my stuff in there but I found nothing! 

Oh, no...this is bad. This is really REALLY bad! 

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. I will be fine...Even if this is the first time I won't be using sleeping pills, I think I will survive.

"You'll be fine, Selene...Just relax and think of happy thoughts!" I convinced myself. Besides, I am feeling exhausted...I can sleep right away, don't I? 

It's a good thing I won't be sleeping alone since I shared the room with the other girls. 

Yeah...I can surely manage...


"Listen. You're going back inside and study." My mother ordered me with a cold voice. 

"But I don't want to study! I wanna play with Sapphire! Give me a break! It seems like all I ever do is study!!" I whined. 

But mother remained an emotionless face, "I don't want to hear any excuses. Return to your room this instant." 

"NO!!" I screamed at her.

"How many times do I have to tell you?!" I was startled when she raised her voice. I looked at her with fear. 

"You are supposed to be the successor. You do understand what it means, don't you?! How dare you disobey me when you're barely 6?! Now tell me, Calista. What is it that you must do?" 

I looked down, defeated. "I must become the Queen. I must...become the strongest to surpass all my older brothers to get to the throne." 

"That is right. You're utterly worthless to me unless you become the Queen. So you better work harder." She turned her back on me, "Oh, and before you go to your room, you must first face your punishment for even attempting to go against me." 

She called Dimitri, her personal guard, and punisher. "Give the princess 50 lashes and don't make her pass out." 

My body felt terribly cold, I was trembling in fear as Dimitri aggressively dragged me with him to the dungeon. 

"N-no! Mom, please! I-I won't disobey you a-again! Please! Have mercy!" I cried. 

She glanced at me with a glare, "What did I tell you about begging?! A princess never begs! Dimitri! I changed my mind. Make it a hundred lashes!" 

"Mom, no!!!" 


"NO!!" I woke up and screamed. I was sweating bullets and panting so hard.

A nightmare...

"Hmmm...Selene? Are you alright?" I heard Mina ask in a sleepy voice. 

No, she can't see me like this. 

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