Chapter 36: Fairytale

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*the above song is a good one that I discovered today... on repeat, it really sets the tone for this chapter, imo...*

This chapter is heavy... it is also long, because of how sensitive this subject is... I didn't want to rush anything.

I did my research. Everything is authentic as possible. I also do not go into a lot of detail, as it is a rather painful subject for most...

⚠️ blood, sensitive subjects ahead... ⚠️


March 19, 1994: Mount Rainier National Park, WA, USA

The darkest day of Layne's life - thus far - began like any other.

Today was a bit different though... it was the first time in a while that he'd woken up beside the man that he loved, and felt in no hurry to leave and head back home to his wife.

He focuses on the steady rise and fall of Jerry's chest, unable to fathom any reason why he would ever leave the bed that they were in...

...until he remembers the two idiots sleeping next door.

With a great sigh, Layne sits up, leaning over Jerry a bit as he softly kisses his forehead, smoothing his hair in a gentle attempt to rouse him.

Jerry's eyelids flutter in response as he groans slightly, clearly still favouring sleep over the waking world.

After a few moments, he opens an eye, quickly closing it as he rolls onto his side to face Layne.

"Hi, Layne smiles at him.

"Hi." Jerry slowly opens his eyes, squinting. "What time is it?"

Layne shrugs. "I don't know- that's the problem."

Jerry just closes his eyes, reluctantly propping himself up on an elbow. "What's that mean?" he grumbles.

"Well... Sean and Mike are-"

"Ugh," Jerry groans, opening his eyes just to roll them as he falls onto his back again, head in his hands. "Right..."

"I know," Layne frowns, unable to blame Jerry for being frustrated.

Jerry looks up at the ceiling before turning his head to stare wistfully at Layne. "I guess... damn it, they'll be completely lost if we don't... check on them..."

"Yeah," Layne sighs. "Even though it's their fault we're here..."

A short laugh escapes Jerry as he grabs Layne's hand, sitting up while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fuck, if they weren't here..." Jerry trails off, a longing smile on his face as he uses his free hand to hold the side of Layne's face to kiss him warmly, as though if he and Layne truly were alone, well, they wouldn't just be sitting in bed, if you catch my drift...

As the kiss breaks, Layne turns away from him to get out of the bed, sighing. "Come on."

"Alright," Jerry huffs, following suit as he stands.

Yawning, Layne pulls on his clothes. He accidentally puts his shirt on backwards, sighing loudly and uttering "fuck" as he takes it off just to put it on again (correctly, this time).

After pulling it over his head, he ruffles his hair in an effort to get the cowlicks out.
Grabbing his jacket, he notices Jerry staring at him.

Layne tilts his head at him. "What?"

"Nothing," Jerry shrugs, looking away.

"Seriously, what?" Layne persists.

Jerry shrugs again, re-establishing eye contact as he smiles. "I just love you."

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