Chapter 15: Courage (For Mike Inez)

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Lol look at Mike in the picture (guy with the hat)... just so done with everyone's shit 😆

This chapter, and the next, they're gonna be... a little different... *hint hint look up*
Also this chapter will be a little less serious... I'm sorry I just thought y'all might want a break...


Mike Inez was a simple guy. Friendly. Humble. Quick with a joke.

It had been pretty amazing when he'd got the chance to tour with the Ozzy Osborne band after auditioning on a whim.
It had been even more amazing when he was recruited as the new bass player for Alice In Chains, a band he'd always admired.
He knew he was a good musician. Didn't mean he had to boast about it. But, it was why he'd gotten those jobs in the first place.

As I've already stated, Mike was a simple guy. That meant he didn't do the whole 'drama' thing. Hell, if something came up, he'd make a joke and yeet on out of there.

He didn't ask to be a part of the whole Jerry-Layne-Demri bullshit.

He tried to forget the night Jerry had practically confessed his feelings for Layne to him. Mike had even been high! So what made it so memorable?

Oh, that's right.
Jerry couldn't stop bringing it up.

It was like Mike was his confidant. His guy. His conscience. His... therapist.


March 16, 1993: Seattle, USA

Two days before Layne's wedding, that God-awful bachelor party took place.
Jerry had stuck to Mike the whole time, worried about seeing Layne. Y'know, 'cause Jerry was trying to avoid him.

"I've gotta tell him," Jerry had constantly pestered, as if he was asking for Mike's permission.

"Jerry, man..." Mike had said, kinda drunk by that point. "I'm never gonna think it's okay for you to try and break them up. You don't even know if your feelings are real."

"Doesn't matter. I just need to tell him that Demri isn't good for him. Right?"

"Why the hell do you think I'd know?"

When Layne had shown up, Jerry basically speed walked over to him.

Damn, he's like a fucking idiot kid with a crush.

The rest of the night, Jerry wouldn't leave Mike's side. He seemed terrified to actually sit down and talk to Layne.

"I know I'm gonna do something stupid, Mike." "You've gotta help me." "Stop me before I do something wrong."


Mike felt awful for ignoring Jerry's concerns, but he didn't want anything to do with what he knew was about to go down.
He wanted to get on Jerry's good side, but not like this.

Jerry finally left him alone when Mike caved and gave him the best advice he could. "Layne's getting married. Okay? Married. That's a big deal. And it'd be really shitty if you ruined everything for him. Wouldn't it?"

Jerry didn't seem to have a counterargument.

Mike took a deep breath, forcing a smile. "Just go get a whiskey. Okay? Get some perspective. Remember that he's your best friend, and that having him in your life is much more important than fucking things up with him forever."

At that, Jerry and Mike went their separate ways.
Which, as you all know, was a big fucking mistake.


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