Chapter 48: The Ghost Of His Present - Part Two

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*jerry and courtney love pictured above* wth is Jerry's shirt?! 😆 if you can even call it a shirt lolol

Part Two is here!! Thought I'd release it a bit early for y'all ;)

One thing, though: Courtney Love is in this chapter. I know, the very mention of her can be triggering for some of us- but please bear with me. ❤️🥺❤️

She is an important factor in this story. While we may never know what really happened on April 5th, I choose to see the good in all people. Innocent until proven guilty, I guess... that's my philosophical outlook on life. (I do leave it somewhat vague, tho...)
Besides, at the end of the day, this is just a work of fiction. ❤️❤️❤️

Now, last we left the boys, they were waiting for Courtney Love to show up.

On to the story (please don't hate me, I love you guys ❤️ )...


July 8, 1994: Seattle, WA, USA

Despite being a heroin addict herself, Courtney Love still made sure to call Layne several times a week to check in with him. She'd give him constant updates on rehab centres around the country in not-at-all subtle attempts to convince him to go and try out said rehab centres. Mostly, though, her calls were just to see if Layne was taking care of himself despite his addiction- sterilization of needles, buying drugs from the right sources to avoid lacing... it was gruelling how much thought he'd have to put into his addiction daily. It helped knowing that someone was looking out for him in that regard, even though it was borderline enabling...

Right now, sitting on the couch with Jerry as they both smoke their nerves away, Layne wonders exactly what Courtney has to say.

Why's she coming all the way over here? Is she going to berate Jerry for what he did? Or is she going to berate me for living with him?

A few cigarettes later, both Layne and Jerry jump as a sudden rapid knocking at the door startles them.

Layne quickly puts out his cigarette in the ashtray, exchanging a look with Jerry before hurrying over to the door.
He hesitates, taking a deep breath.

It'll be fine. It'll all be fine... she'll probably be reasonable. She's not a total psychopath...

The doorknob barely turns before Courtney Love flies into the condo like a thundercloud.

Well. Here we go.

Without saying a word, she ambles past Layne towards the living room, coat slung over her arm.
She stops abruptly in the middle of the room, standing unbalanced as she stares at Jerry.
She seems to be sizing him up.

Confused, Jerry leans a bit forward where he sits on the couch, taking one last drag before putting out his cigarette.

Even though it lasts only about ten seconds, the silence drags on for what feels like days.

Jerry stands to face Courtney. "Hi," he starts to say as he extends his hand in greeting.

But Courtney just whips around to smile widely at Layne, pretending as if she hadn't even noticed Jerry at all.
Jerry steps back in defeat, lips forming a thin line as he shoves his hands in his pockets.

Courtney makes her way over to Layne, throwing her arms around his neck as he stumbles from the impact. "Baby! How are you?"

"Good, I guess...?"

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