Chapter 18: Comin' Home

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Lol sorry I just had to have this pic of Layne on a plane... probably in the years 1990-1991.

⚠️ WARNING! Cuteness ahead... I know you're all very afraid...

Also I must apologize for all the cringe 😅 carry on!


November 5, 1993: Somewhere over the Pacific Ocean...

The beginning parts of relationships are blissful. It's all talking and sex, sex and talking, goofing off and connecting with your partner however you can.

But the relationships that stand the test of time are the ones where you can know everything about your partner after the blissful stage, and still have things to talk about.

Layne's known Jerry for years, ever since that party in 1987. He'd instantly felt a connection to him, though he'd blamed it on the alcohol at the time.

That connection never faded. It changed over time, but it never went away.
And that was evident as the two sat together for hours on their flight home, talking about anything and everything.

They were best friends. They had so much in common that it was easy to find things to talk about. They could even sit there and do nothing together, looking out the window while reading shitty airline magazines.

Layne occasionally had to leave to check on Demri for a while, before returning to his seat beside Jerry as if no time had passed. Mostly.
Every time Layne would leave him to be with Demri, Jerry felt as though jealousy would consume him.
But he understood. He got it. He knew Layne was only doing what he had to.
If Jerry were in the same situation with Courtney, he'd probably do the same.

There were also moments when Mike and Sean would come hang out with them, which was fun despite the third-wheeling and suspicious glares they got from Mike.

Despite all their outside distractions, the two truly felt as though they were alone together, hidden from view at the back of the plane.

When night rolled around and darkness consumed the cabin, they started talking about more serious things...


Stars drift up and away outside the window, where a deep violet hue clashes with bright oranges and yellows on the horizon.
At this point, most people on the flight have drawn their blinds down to spare themselves the blinding light of the setting sun.

Layne sits beside Jerry, having said good-night to Demri a few minutes ago. The air marshal was leaving her alone, which made Layne feel better about leaving her for the night.

"I'd like to write a song about that," Jerry murmurs, eyes fixated on the view outside. He turns to smile at Layne. "About... all of this."

Layne looks from the window to Jerry, smiling lazily with tired eyes. "How might that go?"

"Not quite sure," Jerry shrugs, looking back out the window. "I have an idea, but... I guess I'll have to play it for you when we get home."

Layne bites his bottom lip. "Yeah, sure. Except... I have to leave the second we land."

Layne feels awful when he sees the sadness hidden in Jerry's soft expression.

"I guess I'll have three months to work on it, then," Jerry smiles, bending down slightly as he clasps his hands together in his lap.

Layne blows air out through his mouth in frustration, leaning back with arms crossed. "It's so fuckin' unfair."

"What's unfair?"

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