Chapter 50: The Ghost Of His Future - Part Two

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Damn, I've really not posted in a week 😬 I'm so sorry guys, life's been rough 😓

I've decided to do a kind of schedule thing so that this unpredictability never happens again 😅

🎉 Let it be known that I am now always going to upload a new chapter on SATURDAY! I may upload at other times during the week, but rest assured that when you can always catch up on Saturday with at least one new chapter! :3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Now does Saturday work? Or is Friday better? 😅 a lot of other authors choose Friday as their update day (and by a lot I mean two that I know of lol). Let me know what you guys want! This schedule is for you :D I'm really fine with whatever :)

⚠️ SMUT ⚠️

On to the story...


July 22, 1994: Seattle, WA, USA

McCready, Baker, and Barrett had all been very relieved when they found out that Layne was trying to get clean. Of course, their first thoughts were "when can we see him," and, "will he want to continue writing music with us?"

You see, Mike McCready loved this little side project of his. He had talked to his bandmates in Pearl Jam about possibly recording a demo with Baker, Barrett and Layne. Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam's lead singer, had encouraged Mike to pursue this, having admired and been a part of Mike's 1990 project 'Temple Of The Dog,' which he had done with the members of Soundgarden.

So, armed with an agenda, Mike McCready showed up at Layne's doorstep.

It would be the first time they'd gotten together to write since the Mark vs Jerry incident, and Mike was anxious to see how Layne had been doing- he also dreaded the thought of at last confronting Jerry, especially since he was about to try and steal his bandmate from him.

Layne answered the door in an upbeat manner. Mike was astonished by how much healthier Layne already appeared.

Walking into the condo, Mike could see that Baker and Barrett were already there and having a friendly conversation with Jerry, who gave Mike a wave.

They seemed to be talking about this recent conquest of Baker's, and how he'd stolen this girl's diamond-encrusted lighter. It was quite an interesting story, and the lighter was a rather captivating sight.

Mike feels his confidence fading; how could he ask Layne about doing a demo, now, with Jerry right there?!

And then... it's as if God has intervened.

"Alright," Jerry announces out of nowhere, heading towards the front door. "I should probably head out to the store before it gets dark. Nice seeing you guys." He turns back to look at Layne. "Want anything?"

"Smokes," Layne shrugs. "And pudding, if they have it."

"Sure thing," Jerry smiles, and then turns and walks out the door.

Mike stops himself from heaving a sigh of relief. He instead raises an eyebrow when he sees Layne smiling to himself with eyes that follow Jerry out the door.

Those two have the most bizarre friendship, I swear-

The session mostly consists of catching up with Layne. They don't talk much about his sobriety, though they do ask about what motivated him in the end.
Mike half expects to hear that he had some part in it- but Layne says that he just got tired of the 'hassle', and just decided to go for it.

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