Chapter 26: Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting

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Above is a cool pic of Jerry at the Music Bank :) rip Music Bank, which was torn down in 2008...
Lol 'fire assembly' lolol idk why that's so funny to me

On to the story... ⚠️ warning: violence and blood in this chapter ⚠️ also sensitive language, but all my chapters have that, so... ⚠️


February 8, 1994: Seattle, WA, USA

Layne sits with Demri in the clinic waiting room, waiting for Demri's doctor to come out and meet them.
Today, they would find out the gender of their baby.

"Ms. Parrott?" calls a nurse, looking around the room for Demri.

"She's here," Layne speaks up, standing.

Demri shoots him a look before sighing and walking ahead.

Layne follows her. "What?"


Once Demri's settled, the doctor walks in and greets them.

"Good morning, Ms. Parrott," the doctor smiles, turning to prepare the ultrasound machine. "How's everything feeling these days?"

"Things are pretty good right now," Layne answers for her, resulting in Demri slapping his arm.

"I'm fine," Demri grumbles, adjusting herself. "Excuse him, he can be kind of a 'mansplainer' sometimes."

"Oh, I'm not sure I've really heard that term before, but I'll take your word for it," the doctor chirps, eyes fixated on the machine screen.

Mansplainer... guess I'll just shut up, then.

After a couple minutes go by, the doctor starts the ultrasound.

"Everything's looking good so far..." she hums, a gray blob of nothingness appearing on the screen. Then she points to a mass of something. "That's... your baby."

Layne narrows his eyes at the screen as Demri takes his hand. "I don't see anything."

"Same," Demri squints, leaning forward.

The doctor points again, identifying an increasingly significant blob. "This here? That's your- I'm sorry, did you want to know the gender?"

Layne looks at Demri for an answer. She ponders before replying, "Yes."

The doctor smiles. "That's your little girl."

Layne and Demri are both in shock.

"Huh," Layne mumbles, the floor swaying beneath him.

Demri can't even speak.

"Guess you were wrong...?" Layne remarks to her, feeling her grip on his hand tightening.

Demri nods, eyes wide. "Sadie it is."

Layne feels his heart glow in his chest. "Sadie it is."


Layne is early to the studio for once, a spring in his step and a nervous fluttering in his chest.

The second person to arrive besides crew members is Sean, clearly hungover.

Layne can't conceal his excitement.

"Hey Layne," Sean greets him.

"Hey," Layne grins widely. "Demri and I just found on that we're having a girl!"

Sean's expression brightens. "Wow! Congrats, man! Still namin' her Sadie, right?"

"Yeah," Layne beams.

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