Chapter 3: Peace Of Mind

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March 7, 1993: Belfast, Ireland

After having played their last European concert in Belfast, Layne takes the guys out to a bar. He doesn't invite that Mike Inez guy. Still a bit of needless bitterness there.
He feels a bit awkward at having kept his 'news' a secret from Jerry and Sean for a month... but he'd been trying to focus on their shows. Besides, it wasn't like if he told them it'd change anything. And he had just got off the phone with Demri, and they'd officially set the date.
It was fine.

"So, Layne," Sean fake slurs. "Why're you tryna get us drunk?"

"Yeah, Layne," Jerry laughs. "What's this all about? Are you trying to take advantage of us or something?"

Layne shakes his head, smirking. "Actually, uh... I have some news."

Jerry and Sean stare at him, continuing to drink their beer.

"Demri and I are getting married on the 25th."

Sean spits out his beer, dousing Layne in the stuff.

"Ugh! What the fuck, Sean?" Layne exclaims, gagging.

"The 25th?" Jerry shouts, glancing around in embarrassment as people around them turn to stare. "Of March?"

"That's, like... soon!" says Sean, eyes wide.

"Y-Yeah, I know," stammers Layne. "I just thought it, y'know... I mean, we're back home then, and it gives us time to prepare, and... and it had to happen sometime, right? And I-I just don't want to put it off another second." He sighs as he reaches for the napkins to dry himself off. "Next time, Sean, please aim literally anywhere else."

Jerry and Sean just stare at Layne.

"Well... congratulations!" Jerry smiles awkwardly, something hidden behind the shock in his eyes.

"Yeah, and we're here for you," Sean pipes up. "One-hundred-per-cent."

"Thanks, guys," Layne smiles, opening another beer.

"Honestly, though," Jerry asks, looking skeptical. "Why the urge to get married so soon? Out of nowhere...?"

"We've been engaged for two years, Jer," says Layne, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I know, I know..." stutters Jerry, putting his elbows on the table whilst leaning forward. "I mean, you weren't 'rushed' before. Why now?"

Layne looks away, not sure how to explain it. "I guess... Mike's overdose and all, it just... it really scared the shit out of me. Like... like what if I died, and never got to do everything I'd wanted to with Demri? Say everything I'd wanted to say?"

Sean stares at him, listening intently. Jerry looks away.

"Demri... she's it," explains Layne, staring down and smiling softly. "If I didn't get the chance to... well, y'know... I just thought it should happen sooner or later."

"Well, okay, but what does that mean, really?" Jerry asks, looking uncomfortable. "Are you afraid you're gonna die or something? Because that's no reason to get married. You should consider getting some help; I mean, it's about time, if-"

"What do you know, Jer?" Layne cuts in, irritated. "You've got your own problems. And every girlfriend you've ever had, you've never taken them seriously."

"Okay, but-"

"No! That means that you don't understand! I've never taken anything very serious 'cept for Alice. And Demri-"

"You still didn't answer my question."

Layne slumps back in his chair, and turns to look out the window. "No, I'm not afraid I'm gonna... die, or something. But life's short, y'know? And Demri and I haven't been in the best place lately, and if she ever left me for some other guy... I don't really know what I would do."

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