Chapter 54: The Morning After

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*the picture above is just so hilarious to me 😂 Jerry the 2000s emo girl, sportin' the fit before it was cool... and y'all know where that outfit is from:

 and y'all know where that outfit is from:

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So... hmm... hMmmm... a bEd... who's takiN aLL these PiCtures?! and why isn't Layne in the *bed* one, hMm?

Just sayin 😅 heheh...

Also as you may or may not know, I am compiling an 'evidence' Wattpad thing to post, as mentioned in the last 'chapter' ;) so it's on its way! Keep an eye out :3*

Hey, guys! I'm back after my *hiatus.*
And, yes! Two new chapters this weekend!!

Also, happy Spring Break to all who celebrate ;) in my *Canadian* province they sadly cancelled March Break 😭 so yes I wish I lived in America rn lololol rip 🪦

This chapter is literally *the morning after* the events of Lateralus.

Just- yeah this'll maybe get a little bit awkward 😅 I guess there are... consequences... to things...

...and you can't just walk away from them (pun intended) <— I'm so sorry I just had to, someone had to 😂

PS... before you continue reading, I wanted to say that I love you, and that you matter so much to me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ and you are amazing! Don't ever forget it, darlings :3 ❤️❤️❤️

On to the story...


August 10, 1994: Seattle, WA, USA

A steady wind sends droplets of rain tap, tap, tapping at the bedroom window. Soft thunder rambles on, and every so often, a flash of lightning streaks across the sky, illuminating the blinds against the glass.

Layne wakes softly to a grey room, feeling a sense of calm and peace wash over him. He looks left with tired eyes towards the window, dazed by the silver light streaming in.
Lovingly, he looks down from the window to the man beside him, who lies on his stomach, face somewhat squished against the bed. His eyes are closed, and his long, messy blonde hair is all over the place.

To Layne, Jerry has never looked more beautiful.

Layne reminisces about how wonderful last night had been, how wonderful it had felt... the second round hadn't gone as well, as it had felt more painful for some reason; so, they'd resorted to 'the usual routine.'

Still, the night had been incredible. Just thinking about it makes his heart swell and his head sing.

Now, Jerry's arm is protectively across Layne's ribcage, in a similar state to how they'd fallen asleep holding each other last night.

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