"Where are we going?" Maurice said nothing, continuing down the dark, quiet, and blank dirt road. Robyn's heart was nearly beating out of her chest, but she sat back and took sharp inhales in attempts to remain calm.
But with the way Maurice gripped the steering wheel in his right hand, she knew she was far from safe. Never in her life had she genuinely feared this man to the point where she felt she may not make it out alive, but this time was different.
All that could be heard were owls in the distance, both of their windows being rolled down which allowed a small breeze to consume the car. Robyn looked out of hers, seeing that it looked like they were driving up a mountain. Her breathing was unsteady as she clutched her stomach, feeling as though she was about to vomit at any minute.
"You know I love you Robyn." Maurice finally spoke up, the car slowing down as he drove on the platform of a tall cliff. Robyn slowly turned to look at him, but he wasn't looking back at her. His eyes remained fixed forward as if he wasn't engaging in a conversation.
"Y- Yes, baby I love you too." Maurice chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. He slouched slightly in his seat, getting comfortable and relaxed.
"You love me but you're protecting my enemy? Not only that, but you've been lying to me?" Robyn furrowed her eyebrows in pure confusion. She didn't know he knew that Aubrey was still alive.
"Enemy? What enemy-."
"Aubrey baby, you think I haven't managed to figure all this shit out? I'm a little offended that you even think I'm that dumb, honestly." Robyn's palms grew sweaty, her body growing tense with every word Maurice spoke.
"He was just my friend Maurice I swear. Not only that, but I haven't had any communication with him since. I mean, I know he's alive but that's about it." She whispered, but that didn't do it for Maurice. In his head, there was no such thing as a friend when it came to males in Robyn's life. He was the only friend she needed, any other nigga that she was actively seeing was immediately ruled as a threat.
"I have enough personalities to be your bestie, you the one choosing to go out and seek out other niggas. Other niggas who I've already addressed with you. But you know, it's cool though. I just want to know...did you fuck him?" Robyn froze, the question catching her completely off guard. Her mind roamed to the one instance where it seemed like Aubrey was trying to, but they never did.
"On our baby, I never had sex with him." Maurice finally turned his head to look at her, examining her face and body language. He could see she wasn't lying, but he could also see there was something else she wasn't telling him....but he wouldn't press it. There was no point.
"You know, it's funny to me how you preach about not doing something that you wouldn't want your partner doing. But, I walked in on you mid makeout session with a nigga I should've killed years ago. Yet I let him go free and I let you go free...well I let you go free then. Not sure if you'll be so lucky tonight but you know what I mean." Robyn's eyes watered at those last words, fear evident in her face and body.
"But as I was saying, if you would have caught me doing that shit and then proceeded to find out I was protecting the bitch, you would've threw a fucking fit wouldn't you have?" Robyn remained silent, tears rolling down her face not knowing what to say. Maurice nodded and poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue before roughly snatching up her arm and pulling her body close to his. He grabbed her face, making sure they were completely eye to eye.