November 30th
11:18 amOmniscient
"I'm so glad to see you!" Desi exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Robyn. Robyn smiled into the hug, returning the gesture because she too was happy to see her sister. It had been weeks since they actually got to sit down and talk to each other like before."You?! I'm glad to see you." The two of them made their way over to Desi's living room. It was so neat, Robyn was almost jealous. Desi was a neat freak and had terrible OCD. Everything needed to be completely in order or she would freak out.
"I'm happy your safe too. I was honestly nervous for you when all that shit went down a couple weeks ago. You know I don't like you in the crossfire of all that mess Robs. It's not going to end well for anyone, and I know whatever happens the outcome will be thrown on you even worse. You know how serious these niggas take this street shit. Playing both sides gon have you fucked up." Desi spoke sternly, causing Robyn too look off to the side because she knew her sister was right.
"I'm not trying to play both sides Des. I mean if you wanna be technical, I'm not cause Maurice doesn't even want anything to do with me." What happened a couple days ago meant nothing to Robyn. Well it did, but she how she thought he felt about her remained the same. In her eyes, he was just horny and playing into her fantasy.
"Just because he wants nothing to do with you doesn't mean you aren't playing both sides. It's clear as day that you're not with Austin cause you wanna be some little Queen pin. You just won't tell me wassup." Robyn chewed on her bottom lip as Desi looked at her. There was no way Austin had shit around Desi's house to be watching her, but she was still nervous about getting her sister involved.
"I don't want to and can't tell you everything right now...but all of this was and is for him." Desi sat to the edge of her seat, suddenly intrigued now that she was finally getting actual information as to what Robyn was doing.
"Who is him? Austin??" Robyn shook her head, asking for Desi's phone. Desi quickly threw around her pillows to find it, finally retrieving it under a blanket. Robyn went into contacts and pulled up Maurice's before flipping her phone back towards Desi.
"Why couldn't you just say that?" Robyn twisted her mouth to the side.
"Fuck it, I don't know if he's listening or if he can hear me but at this point it's whatever. Like I said, I'm not going into detail just yet but just know I never just wanted to go against Maurice. You know I love him with everything in me. I- I just wanted to protect him. But now I'm in the middle of shit and I don't know how soon I'm gonna face torture from one of the sides." Desi widened her eyes at the word torture. She was also a little speechless at Robyn finally confessing somewhat the truth.
"You know when we were younger, he always said no matter what to stay out of the shit he did. Not cause he was tryna be mean but because of the exact position you're in now." Robyn placed her head in her hands, remembering the conversation he had with her. Not the one Desi was talking about...but a personal one with only him and her.
"Maurice just let me come with you." Robyn pleaded with him, holding onto his arm in attempts to keep him in place. He looked ahead, her voice annoying him and nearly causing him to snap on her.
"I already told your ass no, I don't know why your nosy ass wanna go so bad anyways." Robyn stepped directly in front of him, her hand resting on his chest. He had a good amount of inches on her, forcing her to look up at him.