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Don's house
Dorchester, MA
November 11th, 6:55 am


5 days...almost a week since he's been back and the whole city knew. It was nearly impossible for him to keep a low profile right now, everyone noted his release date and they were counting down the days. He didn't know why because he only interacted with few people. It wasn't like by him coming back, everyone's bills in the city would be paid off.

But that's just how respected Ace really was. 5 years and nobody was allowed to even attempt to take his place. His right hand men threatening anyone who thought they were planning on replacing him. The only person who got close to that status was Robyn, and she was also the only person they couldn't run off like they did the rest.

No matter what, if they laid a hand on her they knew it would only end bad for them. The streets talked and it was a known fact that Ace and Robyn weren't seeing eye to eye anymore. Word got around that Robyn was the one that put him in jail, but everyone was already far too deep in to back away from her or break loyalty.

Not only did she have people to turn to, Maurice wouldn't allow anyone to touch her either. Every time he looked at her, he wanted to kill her. But if anyone other than him even did so much as verbally disrespect her, it was nothing to take their life. The connection the two had was impossible to break, no matter how wrong one did the other.

"What's on your mind?" Maurice looked over at Marie who sat on the couch next to him rubbing her swollen belly. Marie was Don's girlfriend of about 3 years. Maurice didn't know too much about her, and the two only held a handful of conversations that he could remember. He didn't even know her and Don were expecting a baby until he popped up today.

"How did you-."

"I'm a psychologist...It's easy for me to read people." Maurice nodded to himself, clasping his hands together in front of him. He wasn't gonna start spilling all his thoughts to her because he barely knew her. Out of respect for Don, he didn't tell her to shut the fuck up talking to him. That didn't mean he wasn't thinking it though.

Marie got the hint that he wasn't trying to talk to her and noted it to herself. Due to the awkward silence that filled the room they were in, she decided it was best for her to simply excuse herself. Maurice watched her the whole way, but his eyes were mainly glued to her stomach. He just came out and was learning he has a niece on the way.

"Damn, you ain't had to run her off like that." Maurice stood at the presence of Blade, another one of his close friends. Maurice and Blade knew each other for a shorter amount of time than Maurice and Don, but nonetheless they were as close as they possibly could be.

"She ain't had to come speaking to me like I know her and shit. Where Don at?" Blade pointed upstairs, indicating Don wouldn't be going with them. Maurice shook his head before making his way out the glass front door.

"Who the hell gets a glass front door." He mumbled to himself, making his way over to his custom gold Aventador. Blade climbed into the passenger side as Maurice climbed into his seat. He felt at peace, comfortably sitting in one of his own cars. He didn't ride passenger ever, it pained him having to be in Don's car when he was picked up.

"Where the hell we going again? Too damn early." Blade complained, slouching down into the seat more. Maurice glanced at him, rolling his eyes from Blade complaining at 7 in the morning.

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