6K 188 146

Suffolk County House of correction,
Boston MA
11:24 pm


"Brown" His dark eyes remained focused forward, staring at the cement wall that sat in front of him. He heard the footsteps, the body approaching, and the keys working to unlock the cell....but he didn't turn around.

"I don't have time for this today, I called you so let's go." That didn't do it for him either, he wasn't fazed by the sudden attitude the guard gained from his lack of movement. There was no point in getting up to go and do the same routine he's been doing for the past 5 years. It was pointless.


"I heard you the first time, now shut the fuck up and get out." His voice caused goosebumps, it was harsh and laced with malice. It's always been like that, only getting more intimidating as years went on. He didn't care who he was speaking to, nobody got a different side of him except his mother, who sometimes got him on his bad days like everyone else.

"You're leaving, get the hell up." His eyes snapped over to the female guard that stood at the entrance of his cell. She challenged his stare, but that didn't mean her stomach wasn't doing turns on the inside. He knew she was scared of him, he knew everyone in the facility was scared of him. No matter how big or small they were, everyone knew exactly who he was. Nothing changed just because he was caged away like an animal.

With nothing said, he stood up from the cold, hard mattress. His eyes never left the guard whose name was Krista. If she could, she would run away and give the task of releasing him to someone else...but she couldn't do that.

"You gon put the shit on me or stare like an idiot." He spat, annoyed with the way she didn't make any movement towards him. He was aware of the process, getting chained from hand to foot before walking out into the hallways.

Krista sucked in a sharp breath of air before hesitantly walking towards him. Her small frame looking like a fly compared to him. He stood at 6"1 and weighed about 185 lbs, most of that being muscle rather than actual calories.

The tattoos that covered both of his arms, his stomach, back, neck, and legs already caused people to be intimidated by him. The white lady's at least and that's exactly who Krista was. Every time she came to his cell, he liked to fuck with her. Today was different though, the thought of him going home was at the surface of his mind.

She quickly chained him up, making sure everything was on secure before pushing him in front of her. He looked down at her, shooting a look that made her want to crawl into a hole and never come out. Looking away, she held onto his right arm to guide him out of the cell and down the long hallway.

He walked with a certain slouch, one that was engraved in him. He didn't look at anyone in particular, his eyes made their way wherever they wanted. He didn't have friends here, he didn't talk to anyone at all. Being in solitary confinement cut off communication with everyone. The inside world and the outside world...but he couldn't say he cared too much. The time was spent getting into his own head, making moves from in his cell, and preparing everything for when he came out.

Nothing would go back to how it was before in the span of 24 hours, but he wasn't here to waste any time. Once he stepped foot on actual pavement, in an actual house, slept on an actual bed, his life would go right back to how it was before he was gone...just with a couple more things to handle.

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