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October 1st
4:07 am


"What the fuck man." Ace groaned to himself, hearing his phone go off for the fourth time in a row. At first he tried to ignore it, thinking the person would get the hint and stop blowing him up, but once they didn't he began to feel himself getting irritated. Placing his pillow over his head, he attempted to sink back into a deep sleep, but that was once again interrupted by his phone.

Angrily, he snatched it from the nightstand that sat next to his bed. He read that it was Bryson calling which slightly calmed him down, but it wasn't enough to take away his attitude completely. Whenever Blade and Don called back to back, he knew it was an emergency. Either that or they needed some shit.

"What nigga, damn." Ace answered on the second to last ring. He heard heavy breathing on the other end of the line and the sound of pouring rain. Glancing outside of his window, he seen that it was indeed raining and heavy at that.

"Open your door Maurice, it's Robyn." He raised an eyebrow at her name, confused as to what he was being told. For one, Bryson and Robyn didn't see eye to eye which was more evident the longer Maurice had been home. Then on top of that, him and Robyn had no reason to be interacting.

"What about Robyn?" He asked, beginning to make his way out of bed. But he didn't get too far once he noticed another body on the opposite side. He looked at her disgusted, seeing that her naked back side was on full display. Grabbing a little ball that sat on the dresser, he threw it at the girl just to get her up.

"Just open the door man please." Maurice hung up the phone once he made his way to the top of his staircase. He did a light jog down the steps, getting slightly anxious the closer he got.

"What the fuck." He mumbled once he swung the door completely open. In front of him stood Bryson who was covered in blood with a lifeless, limp body in his arms. There was blood all on her too and from the little bit of her face that he could make out, Ace could've sworn he seen some bruises.

Bryson pushed past him, laying her body down on the nearest couch, not concerned at the fact Maurice may be upset from the blood soaking into the couch. In the moment, Maurice was seeing red. He didn't know what was going on, he didn't know what happened, but whatever it was, someone's life was about to be cut short.

"I was driving to your crib to inform you that Austin sent some little niggas to say he got sum for you and you not gon be happy or some shit. So I pull up cause I'm thinking in my head I gotta let you know, make sure you watching your back and shit and of course they let me in the gate. But as I'm pulling up, I see something out the corner of my eye. So I stop and I went over and I found her on the ground. She had a note attached that said some shit about this being payback and since you love sending warnings, this is his or some bullshit like that. I'm assuming they threw her over cause Dre ain't see shit." Bryson rushed out while taking off his shirt. Nobody wanted to be damp and covered in blood.

Maurice said nothing as he made his way over to her lifeless body. He crouched down and moved her hair from her face due to it sticking from the rain. As soon as her curls fell, his heart dropped at the sight of her whole face coming into complete view.

From what he could make out, she had a black eye, a busted lip, a bloody nose that wasn't broken, a little scratch on her eyebrow, and her cheeks were swollen. She looked bad, whoever got to her clearly had a motive and it was no doubt direct.

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