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December 24th
6:18 pm

Robyn sat in Maurice's living room, her body resting on his couch as she waited for him to get home. After he literally tied her up and due to their conversation the night before, she hadn't said much to him. It was Christmas Eve, but of course she had no plans.

Last night was the first night she slept alone since the incident happened. She couldn't say she didn't miss his touch because she did, but she didn't want to annoy him or anything of that sort. With her being in his house for 3, nearly 4 weeks, she already felt like she was intruding. Feeling like a burden wasn't something she wanted to add to the list.

He wasn't home and she was beginning to get worried, but never picked up the phone to call him. He was getting deeper and closer to putting this crazy plan he had for Austin in action. He didn't tell her a word about it, no matter how many times she asked to be added into the loop.

He claimed she would never ever come close to anything having to do with the things he did in the streets. But Robyn knew he could only keep her so far, especially if they were back building up their relationship. Things were still rocky and the tension was still there at times, but that was only because Robyn had yet to be completely honest with him and spill everything.

"Nah I'm entering the house now....she prolly sleep, I don't know....nah I ain't sleep with her last night." Maurice's voice came to a halt seeing a set of bright green eyes staring up at him. He cleared his throat, adjusting his phone to sit on the other side of his face.

"Aye lemme call you back." He didn't wait for an answer before hanging up the phone. Robyn said nothing to him, she wasn't being rude, she just had nothing to say.

"Wassup." She gave him a little smile, the room gave off an awkward feel which both of them noted. Maurice nodded to himself once he got no response from her, deciding to sit on the couch on the left side of the table. Directly across from Robyn who was on the couch to the right of the table.

"I hope I'm not intruding by sitting here. Maybe I should go upstairs, make you feel a lil more comfortable." Robyn sarcastically said, a bitter tone leaving her mouth.

No matter how many times she told herself she didn't mind him basically asking for more space, she couldn't stop the words from leaving her mouth. She just liked being in his arms and around him. The thought of him not mutually enjoying the feeling of her kind of hurt.

"Robyn...." he trailed off, watching her stand to walk off. But she didn't get far due to him grabbing her arm. She stopped, looking at him with an annoyed expression.

"Sit your ass down." He demanded, deepening his voice and adding a little more bass. As always, Robyn complied for multiple reasons that she decided would be best kept in her head. She was being dramatic and he had an idea as to why, but he wanted to hear it from her mouth directly.

"Can I please just go upstairs Maurice." She sighed, running her hand through her curls. He sat up, leaning his body over his legs to be closer to her.

"If you upset about what I said then just say that." She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over themselves. It upset her how he suddenly decided now was when he wanted to read her through her attitude and body language, but he couldn't do that before when she was in desperate need.

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